Family witness accident
Mourners at a tangi watched in horror as a three-year-old girl was run over by a relative in a packed marae car park.
Mourners at a tangi watched in horror as a three-year-old girl was run over by a relative in a packed marae car park.
Pilot error and bad weather caused an August 2010 crash on a Papua New Guinea island that killed three Australians and a New Zealander.
Helicopter wreckage spotted by sightseers in remote Fiordland yesterday is believed to be the remnants of a craft that went missing in 2004 with two people on board.
The number of New Zealanders with traumatic brain injuries has reached "epidemic levels", with a new injury occurring on average every 15 minutes,
Some ladders that do not meet New Zealand safety standards have been banned after one bought on Trade Me collapsed, injuring a man.
Superstar chef Heston Blumenthal has pulled out of a gourmet food festival in Western Australia after two of his chefs died in a Hong Kong car crash.
A Northland man has started a two-and-a-half year jail term for killing his partner and a man when his unwarranted and unregistered car crashed into another.
Boaties need to take responsibility to prevent more deaths at sea and remember what they are risking, a water safety expert says.
A boat which capsized in the Hauraki Gulf this morning, resulting in the deaths of two men, was probably overloaded and too small for the rough conditions.
A New Plymouth man is dead and another had to be cut out from a car after losing control while drag racing on a rural Taranaki road last night.
Nearly half of all senior drivers referred by doctors for on-road competency tests this year have failed, Transport Ministry figures reveal.
The 38-year-old Italian man who died in a skydiving accident while filming a tandem jump in Wanaka yesterday has been named.
A two-year-old boy died after being hit by a vehicle in a driveway in Papakura, an incident believed to have happened at the home of the toddler's grandparents.
A forestry worker has been airlifted from a remote spot in Marlborough after being hit by a log.
Covered in blood and glass, George Jones kept telling himself "I'm going to be okay" as firemen worked to free him from his mangled vehicle.
A woman had to be cut from a Rainbow's End theme park ride by firefighters yesterday after her leg became trapped between the carriage and a wooden fence.
A New Zealand man who had worked as a top United Nations environmental lawyer has died after a fall from a balcony in Germany.