Anxiety turns to horror
The shocked families of the dead stood vigil in Barcelona airport all day, in tears, leaving only after night fell and police ushered them out.
The shocked families of the dead stood vigil in Barcelona airport all day, in tears, leaving only after night fell and police ushered them out.
Pilots and cabin crew refused to fly over concerns the crash may have been linked to a repair to the nose-wheel landing doors, according to an unconfirmed report in Spiegel magazine
The driver of a suspected stolen truck tried to ram a police car before travelling the wrong way down Auckland’s Southern Motorway during a police chase.
German tourist who ran a stop sign and caused a crash that killed a Canterbury mother-of-two ordered to pay compensation to grieving children.
Rock legend David Crosby has seriously wounded a jogger after hitting him with his car.
A 21 year-old woman has handed herself into Auckland police after a hit and run that left a man with serious injuries on Sunday morning.
Six Dunedin students are lucky to be alive after their car was torn apart in a horrific crash.
A woman frantically chopped off a girl's hair to save her life, after the girl's hair became tangled in the wheels of a kart when playing with a school friend.
A car has flipped while towing a trailer with another car in it on a motorway south of Auckland this afternoon.
A man was flown to hospital after being seriously injured in a water skiing accident at Taupo today.
A young girl has suffered a head injury after her hair caught in a go-kart yesterday, in what was described as an "unusual incident".
A cyclist in his 50s was killed tonight in what police are calling a hit and run.
The teenage driver killed in a crash in South Auckland yesterday was Brandon Rowe, 18.
A pedestrian is dead after a truck hit them last night.
Facing a parliamentary select committee at the age of 10 and under the gaze of television cameras caused a few nerves, Sean Roberts admitted afterwards.
A German tourist driver involved in a head-on collision on the yesterday has been charged with careless driving causing injury.
Moves to prevent crashes involving foreign drivers have been encouraging but need to go further, say two boys who lost their father in such an accident.
One person has died in a crash in south Auckland this morning.
A tourist allegedly driving on the wrong side of the road hit another car head-on on the State Highway 6 Coast Road between Greymouth and Westport this morning.
A new traffic light at a Dunedin intersection - officially turned on just last month - was knocked over yesterday.
A man has been rescued after being "severely trapped" after crashing into a power pole in Auckland this evening.
A woman suffered serious head injuries in a collision between a car and a truck today on State Highway 1.
A teenager is seriously injured following a crash involving a car and a skateboard in west Auckland overnight.
A truck driver has been critically injured following a crash in the central North Island overnight.