Latest fromAccident Compensation Corporation

What chronic conditions really cost ACC
People with chronic health conditions cost the accident compensation system 59 per cent more than healthy people without those conditions, researchers have found.

Drivers cash in on ambulance rort
Hundreds of motorists are falsely registering their cars as ambulances, avoiding more than $200 in fees.

Revealed: Most injury-prone Kiwis
ACC has released a new report which reveals which area of the country makes the most new claims each year - and the most injury-prone region may surprise you.

Clients say ACC handles complaints poorly
Most ACC clients who complain about their treatment by the accident insurer believe their grievances have been handled poorly by the corporation, a new Auditor General's report has found.

Labour warns of 'creeping corruption'
Labour says it would run a Royal Commission into the public sector to address issues such as ministers' bullying of civil servants and the threat of "creeping corruption".

Workers and bosses lose out to motorists in ACC levy cuts
Motorists will be better off to the tune of $135 a year on average under ACC levy cuts confirmed yesterday.

NZ workers denied $180m in ACC cuts
NZ workers and businesses are to be denied almost $180 million in ACC levy cuts next year as recommended by the corporation, leaving it with an embarrassment of riches.

Chemo drugs mistakenly put into lungs
Tauranga's coroner says "significant and serious failures" in the health care provided at Tauranga Hospital to two patients contributed to their premature deaths.

Health problems from mesh implants a medical disaster
The chronic pain and health problems from mesh implants is a medical disaster that has affected an unknown number of victims, parliament has heard.

New ACC tribunal to replace District Court
The District Court will be replaced as the main venue of accident compensation appeals by a new tribunal, the Government has confirmed.

Grieving family offer olive branch
The family of a girl killed in a crash with two other people say the tourist accused of causing the carnage is as much a victim as those who died.

Amputees lose faith in limb centre
Amputee Diane Smith has had 208 consultations at Auckland's state-owned artificial limb centre, yet none of the legs it has made for her has ever fitted properly.

Dental practice manager caught on ACC fraud
An Auckland dental practice manager who fradulently obtained more than $150,000 from ACC was caught out by his employer.

Mesh blamed for agony still used in ops
Carmel Berry feels like she has been "sitting on a barbed wire fence" for almost a decade since having an operation to repair a prolapsed uterus.

Injury costs man his job
One wrong step caused a horrific workplace accident which nearly took a man's life - and has now cost him his livelihood and will soon cost him his house.

Plan to save safe car owners $163 a year
Motorists with newer, safer cars may see their annual licence costs slashed by as much as $163 a year.

Fran O'Sullivan: Key pulls chain on Crusher Collins
Fran O'Sullivan asks, "What pushed Key to the point where he applied the choke chain to the Cabinet's Rottweiler? Pity Key didn't yank the chain earlier."

ACC to cover rape therapy costs in full
ACC will pay for every cent of rape victims' counselling as part of a major overhaul of its sensitive claims system later this year.

Second ACC waiver form unlawful, lawyer says
The privacy waiver form used by ACC for 1.7 million claims a year is unlawful, a lawyer says.

Collins battles on two fronts
Judith Collins was under pressure on two fronts yesterday, facing further questions over both the Oravida conflict-of-interest saga and widespread fresh privacy issues in her ACC portfolio.

ACC passes on jobseekers' details
ACC gives details of tens of thousands of people's injury claims every year to recruitment agencies and prospective employers.

ACC resumes payments to cut-off clients
ACC is restarting payments to claimants it had unlawfully cut off for rejecting its demand for wide access to personal information about them.

Labour's truck ban plan
Labour admits its new transport policies - scrapping trucks from fast lanes and motorhome rego fees - are 'small', while the Transport Minister labelled them a 'joke'.

ACC compo policy 'wrong in law'
A judge has overturned ACC's policy of cutting off accident claimants' compensation if they refuse to approve widespread gathering of information about themselves.

ACC's data gathering 'wrong in law'
A judge has overturned ACC's policy of cutting off accident claimants' compensation if they refuse to approve widespread gathering of information about themselves.