Latest fromAccident Compensation Corporation

Could $50b ACC investment fund be better managed? Govt commissions review
Minister wants to remove 'constraints' limiting ACC's returns.

Environmental group at odds with regulator over Roundup
ELI has concerns about popular weedkiller Roundup and its active ingredient glyphosate.

'Changed forever': E-scooter accident leaves woman with brain injury
E-scooter related ACC claims have totalled $50 million since January 2019.

'I heard all my bones break': Runner loses leg in farming accident
The 'shattered' bones in his leg were 'like Weet-Bix', he said.

E-scooter rules to be reviewed after ACC injury payouts surge
The Transport Minister will review the rules, after the payout total rose by almost 50%.

Sasha Borissenko: How ACC remains a bright spot in a turbulent world
OPINION: A 2023 court decision widened the scope for sensitive claims.

Cockroach in ear? ACC data shows surprising number of claims
ACC Claims cost taxpayers nearly $520,000 since 2019.

Loss of 190 jobs at ProLink, recruiter owes $3.8m
Migrants lose jobs at company linked to woman previously jailed over fake birth documents.

Lifestyle Magazine Group has $70,000 deficit, NZ Life & Leisure magazine continues with new owner
Printer Webstar is owed $67,000, trade creditors $28,000; the total owed is $95,000.

‘Suck it up’ attitude may contribute to low ACC birth injury claims
The number of ACC claims lodged is much lower than expected.

'Happy to be alive': Mum's 'tough year' after freak accident in restaurant
Sian Habgood was hit by a car while sitting inside a restaurant.

Holiday hazards: ACC data highlights festive injury risks
Dentists advise caution with festive foods; pork crackling a common dental hazard.

No surplus in sight: Creative accounting used to mask deterioration in Govt books
Debt issuance is expected to rise by more than expected.

Hefty ACC levy hikes confirmed for next three years
The Government is to commission a review of the state insurer, as costs soar.

Review into ACC announced, levies to increase
ACC Minister Matt Doocey: 'This review will have a particular focus on claims management.'

Abuse survivor faces $75,000 bill after ex-partner broke her teeth
Ellie is scared for her future: 'My teeth are going to kill me.'

Movement for Archie: Fundraiser to help Northland baby’s therapy journey
The Kerikeri family have been forced to go private to help Archie Sturrock learn to walk.

ACC privacy breaches: Bosses grilled in scrutiny week at Parliament
Daily meetings and ability to unsend emails used in bid to stop breaches, ACC chief says.

Opinion: Abuse survivors know how redress should work – will the Govt finally listen?
OPINION: Survivors of abuse in care are owed substantial redress for their injuries.

Cyclone stories of Gisborne farmers feature in Farmstrong book
Rob and Marie Burke have first hand experience tackling disaster.

Farmer with terminal cancer caught in two-year battle with ACC
The 53-year-old fighting for compensation now has less than a year to live.