Owners warned to keep dogs under control
Dogs running rampant has been distressing pregnant and lambed ewes.
Dogs running rampant has been distressing pregnant and lambed ewes.
Dunedin City Council say the health threat posed by the water scare will be known by today
Foot-and-mouth disease is characterised by blisters in the mouth and on the feet.
Rural Women New Zealand board member voices concern for rural health services at seminar
Some of southern dairy region's vet practices finding it difficult to fill staff vacancies
A planned 1080 aerial drop near Luggate has been put on hold because of water concerns
The first test result from seven of Van Leeuwen Dairy Group's farms have returned negative
Te Kura o Otangarei now has technology which makes healthcare more accessible.
The response team trying to contain Mycoplasma bovis will know today if it has spread.
The situation remains that the bacterial disease has been confirmed on 1 property.
MPI setting up field office in Oamaru to co-ordinate response to Mycoplasma bovis outbreak
Jamie talks to Doug Avery about his latest book "The Resilient Farmer."
Farming can be a stressful job but sometimes stress can become something more serious.
A town's last doctor has retired forcing residents to go further afield for treatment.
Chanelle O'Sullivan and Lindy Nelson discuss mental health challenges facing rural women.
Breeding parasite resistant sheep. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Drones could be used to deliver medicines to isolated Northland communities next year
Much has changed in recent years when it comes to discussing health and safety on farms
Dannevirke's Community Board is concerned with funding cuts to rural health.
Ngunguru Medical centre honoured to receive rural practice of the year award.
The Government is putting an extra $500,000 into rural mental health services.
It's new, it's interactive and one day its services might just save your life.
A rural health road map for healthier rural communities is being explored
COMMENT: Maori do not need a third medical school, or one dedicated to general practice.
It's not all the about the animals - Fieldays its looking after farmers' health too.
Dairy farmers' kids are being bullied due to their parents' profession writes Dom George.
Bluff oysterman unimpressed with MPI's response to Bonamia disease outbreak threat.
The first day of a public hui on Hawke's Bay's water left no stone unturned.
Dom George talks to DairyNZ CEO Dr Tim Mackle for a chat about Gypsy Day & rural bullying.