Latest fromTCN - Rural Health

Get talking: Young Farmers tackle mental health issue
NZ Young Farmers is ramping up its efforts to get young people talking about mental health

Grieving farmer raises $70,000 for suicide prevention
After losing a son, John Herlihy threw his energy into fundraising for suicide prevention.

Taieiri vet tends to creatures big and small
Ever wondered what it's like being a vet on the Taieri?

Farmers reel from stress, anxiety, depression
Rural mental health issues need rural-focused solution

Shearing & caring: Woolshed safety advice
The videos feature respected industry shearers and farmers.

Tararua community energised to turn around ugly health stats
Health hui will have positive outcomes for community

Post Quake Farming Group focuses on resilience
The Post Quake Farming Group has done a series of workshops for farmer health.

Rural health research lift at University of Otago
A new section of rural health has been set up at the University of Otago.

Colostrum a gold standard for newborn animals
Colostrum is the first milk produced by mammals and it needs to come from healthy animals

Roundup controversy and NZ: All you need to know
A US court case has prompted more calls for a ban on popular herbicide Roundup. Should it?

Girls' rural quiz night raises $8000
All for a good cause as quiz night nails it with rookie auctioneer.

Listen: Jacqueline Rowarth on Fonterra and Roundup
Dr Jacqueline Rowarth on the changes at Fonterra and whether Roundup causes cancer.

Helicopter boss's safety work earns award
Chopper crash survivor recognised for safety campaign raising farmers' awareness of wires.

Care packages to bolster local farmers' wellbeing in Wyndham
A call to look after farmers' mental and physical wellbeing has prompted care packages.

NZ Vet Association open to pan-industry initiative on grazing
NZ Veterinary Assoc. says it would embrace a pan-industry initiative on winter grazing.

Telehealth comes into its own at Bay of Islands Hospital
A new Telehealth link has been used for the first time at Bay of Islands Hospital.

Community-led healthcare without doctors rouses interest
Southern Tararua town maintains its health though minus GP for 30 years

Taeiri Farmer's dreadlocks gone to support Farmstrong
A Taieri dairy farmer recently had his 14-year-old dreadlocks snipped off for Farmstrong.

Moerewa's 'ultimate family doctor' honoured
A Far North GP has received one of the medical profession's highest honours.

RWNZ: Rural communities could miss out on counselling
Rural Women New Zealand welcomed the government's decision to spend more on mental health.

MPI rules on transporting in-calf cows
MPI: Transporting heavily pregnant cows affected by Mycoplasmabovis is a last resort.

Patea Medical centre purchased for region
Patea will have access to healthcare after Ngati Ruanui purchased Patea Medical Centre.

VetSouth: 'M. bovis' seen as threat to sharemilking system
We need to eradicate m. bovis in order for sharemilking to survive - VetSouth.

Ngati Ruanui buys Patea Medical Centre
Ngati Ruanui will take over the Patea Medical Centre on August 1.

Port workers ill: No evidence of toxic gas
Report finds insufficient evidence port workers fell ill due to methyl bromide.

Caring for newborn calves vital for health
Calves that are cared for well have a reduced risk of contracting mycoplasma bovis.

Take steps to prevent mycoplasma bovis spread
Testing herds for M. bovis is not always accurate, so further actions are often needed.

Worker suffers serious injuries falling into silo
Reports a man is trapped in a grain silo in South Otago.