Political Roundup: Peters' angry route to power
The New Zealand First conference in the weekend showed that Winston Peters is becoming the hybrid "Trump and Sanders of New Zealand politics".
The New Zealand First conference in the weekend showed that Winston Peters is becoming the hybrid "Trump and Sanders of New Zealand politics".
Jamie Mackay ruminates on the location of those 500 missing cows in this week's From the Lip.
Over the past fortnight we have started to see the first signs of spring, with pasture growth rates lifting from the mid teens to
COMMENT: Every time Father's Day rolls around, it makes me think about the huge influence a father can have upon a daughter.
When a bug in Havelock North's water supply caused an outbreak of campylobacter weeks ago, we asked the question, how could this happen in NZ?
Consumers are demanding more traceability when it comes to what we eat but, as illustrated by the incident in Havelock North recently
Dom takes on some ill-informed keyboard warriors in this week's Furious George.
Clean drinking water is something most of us take for granted in New Zealand - or at least we did until the shocking outbreak of gastric
During the year of 2011 the Healthy Populations team for the Hawke's Bay District Health Board at that time developed their Strategic
We need to move past the blame game and seek meaningful and lasting answers, says William Rolleston.
Co-operatives need a new, dynamic business model, says Ruth Richardson.
Have you ever slipped your hand inside a cow having difficulty calving, felt two large front feet, and thought 'I'm going to need
It's a burden for landowners to host public infrastructure on their property and most have been installed in the past without compensation. Utilities
Dom George wonders why we can't all just get along?
Dr Doug Edmeades writes of his fondness for the mighty Fergie 28.
Martin Williams (Talking Point, August 12), overlooked my full support for dams and water storage and focused on his novel version
The Country's Jamie Mackay reminisces about a night he spent in the company of sporting heroes Dick Tayler and Sir Colin Meads.
It's cold, wet and miserable out there, as I write, and a chilly wind blows as a dozen calves daily plop into the mud, Mother Nature
COMMENT: There is little NZ can do about high dollar or inflation.
Council and resource management processes are a complicated, foreign and uninviting process for many. However, it is critical farmers
All dairy farmers should know by now they will be facing new regulations to manage the welfare of bobby calves this season. They
A suggestion that New Zealand should remove 80per cent of dairy cows to return to a natural environment overlooks various fundamental
The dairy industry is facing its third season of low payouts. It's been tough and farmers have been looking out for their families
Parliament must make an urgent stand to defend local democracy. Our elected representatives must not give the Government sweeping
Dom George scores an own goal watching too much Olympic coverage rather than doing his job.
Last year, the shiny suits and directors at Silver Fern Farms (SFF) said the co-op was in crisis and faced receivership or liquidation. They
COMMENT: Here are some of the life lessons Byron Wien has learned in his first 80 years.
It's hard not to be impressed by the intellectual and technological grunt going into horticultural industry, Barry Soper writes.
The Country's Jamie Mackay is flexing his creative muscles with a clever Agricultural ABC poem.
COMMENT: Getting rid of that big debt involves paying more, more often.