Editorial: Are you alright mate? Kiwis pull together
Once again the worst of circumstances brings out the best in New Zealanders.
Once again the worst of circumstances brings out the best in New Zealanders.
It is good to see that Health Hawke's Bay and the Hawke's Bay District Health Board are working together to find a solution to what
The world may be reeling after this week's elections, but here in New Zealand, we are reeling at the cost of a cauliflower. Given
The first casualty of war is truth. The same can be said of politics, bureaucracy and government. That's what makes the Havelock
I watched the screen with amazement and a growing fascination at the groundswell of opinion; I felt uneasy to say the least and wondered
New Zealand experienced something last weekend even more rare than an All Black defeat. It was a defeat accepted with good grace.
COMMENT: There is a distinct possibility that Donald Trump's presidency may turn out to be good for business.
It is good to see that the newly elected Hawke's Bay Regional Council has come to a unanimous agreement on a review to be conducted
In 2008 I was invited to write an article for NZ Doctor describing the US election. At the time I was working as Assistant Professor
It needs to be clear that I support water storage. In fact, I am in the camp that water storage will be absolutely vital to the future
With better weather, salad time is here. There are good supplies of avocados, cucumbers, lettuces and tomatoes in the marketplace
The state of the "Quarry Hill" section of Waimarama Rd has been a hot topic among locals living along the route to one of our most
I am unable to grasp why so many people are against the dam. In his Talking Point (Thursday, November 3) Brian Anderson, a retired
COMMENT: Post-truth politics is all about creating a feeling or emotion, rather than acknowledging policy or facts.
I suppose enough has been said in opposition and support over the construction of the Ruataniwha Dam project. I myself cannot understand
COMMENT: Auditor-General's findings are a scathing assessment of the lack of transparency, Fran O'Sullivan writes.
While spring is well established and grass is growing, the lack of sunshine in many regions has been holding stock condition back
New Zealand Avocado had fun over the past few weeks co-hosting field days in Katikati, as well as South Auckland and Te Puke. We're
The debates about the appropriateness of the resource consent process and the potential impact on the aquifer and the value of these
Not many Kiwis may be satisfied by the Auditor General's report into the propriety of the Government's gift of a sheep-breeding establishment to a breeder in Saudi Arabia.
Failure to advance a free trade agreement did not stop the entourage of journalists accompanying the Prime Minister from publishing
I write this to help Tim Gilbertson and others understand how they have been duped by selective and misleading information regarding
Dom George bemoans the fate of the cheeky Kea who lost out to the vote-fixing Kokako as Bird of the Year.
They abound across both Canada and the USA - the puppy mills. They are large-scale commercial dog breeding facilities where profit
Has the newly elected anti-dam Hawkes Bay Regional Council bitten off more than it can chew? It has certainly grabbed a big
Helping some reporters - and by extension the general public - understand what was going on with the recently released bobby calf
The Country host Jamie Mackay tackles the bobby calf abuse issue.
Getting children interested in agriculture is important if we want our future agriculture workforce to come from within New Zealand.
If there's one issue that could be the making of the Hawke's Bay region, it's taking a stand on genetically modified (GM) food production. Just
Dom George reckons New Zealand need a healthy dose of anarchy and dissent and we could learn this from the Icelandic people.