Ian Walker: A story yet to be properly told
Combined impact of Plan Change 6 and RWSS will introduce an enormous generational change.
Combined impact of Plan Change 6 and RWSS will introduce an enormous generational change.
It is unthinkable that our manuka, feijoa and pohutukawa, might be blighted by myrtle rust
As soon as myrtle rust was discovered here the government should have been ready
Councils did not cause outbreak, but they still failed to deliver safe drinking water.
COMMENT: What pleasure can people get from shooting defenceless ducks?
COMMENT: Dairy farmers and industry mouthpieces love to say they are environmental angels.
COMMENT: The Govt fire service reforms will entrench present problems and create new ones.
Jamie Mackay would rather plant native trees around his duck pond than shoot ducks on it.
A Waterways Act that puts all water bodies in trust for future generations would be timely
Water, one of the elements most essential to life, is now getting the attention it needs
Dom George reflects on a year after The Farming Show's change to The Country...
COMMENT: People have known there is a problem with our waterways long before new report.
The state of Hawke's Bay's local waterways is in crisis, writes Trevor Le-Lievre.
Hawke's Bay Regional Council Romans unmasked by one of their own.
Comment: One thing is sure - urban creep can't be left to "the market" to manage
Dom George reflects on Anzac Day and how war has become a game of numbers
Jamie Mackay's calm Easter time of reflection is scuppered by a hatred of slow drivers
So, another "500-year" flood event in the Bay of Plenty, writes Dr Ian Fuller.
Having a stand-alone day reminds us why we have it at all, observes editor Craig Cooper.
The resilience of farming communities to pull themselves together has been amazing.
Sixty-six more police, three stations to open 24 hours. It's a start, says Winston Peters.
A major part of your regional council's environmental work is controlling pest animals
Big problems accompany a call to fence all waterways
TVNZ's Sunday show "The Price of Milk" has Dom's inbox chock-a-block with comment
Two damning reports on farming greeted by Government silence, says green campaigner.
Farming is improving its products to meet environmental and nutritional demands.
The Future of Farming was the focus of a day seminar in Carterton, Wairarapa.