Latest fromTCN - Opinion

Conservation matters: Friendly robins are at risk
The robins in New Zealand are not closely related to other robins.

Cats the biggest killers
Cats are very much a threat to our birds, and many other native animals as well.

Dom 'Furious' George: Crusaders clash brings back troubling memories
"Humourless and nasty" - Highlanders' supporter Dom George baits Crusaders' fans.

A unified industry voice
COMMENT: We must generate ways to turn our natural assets into high-value export dollars.

Meddling will drive up costs for all
NZ will not remain a first world country by bankrupting agribusiness, says Winston Peters.

Bridging the rural-urban gap
COMMENT: Change in the perception of farmers can't be just from a politician.

Welcome to the Agribusiness 2017
Agribusiness 2017 covers the latest development in agriculture in the election year.

Donald McIntyre: Behind the scenes are good stories
We like to have our good stories told, but we also want to read about the less fortunate.

Kauri fate ill omen for future
We must stop selling our land and businesses overseas and using foreigners to do our work.

Nick Dawson: Bridging the urban/rural divide
I haven't met a farmer yet that doesn't want to swim in clean rivers as well.

My goat's the one in the dress
With the big horses rugged, I start to get feelings of guilt about the ponies.

Letters: Freshwater fantasies
New Zealand First freshwater policy is right on the money, says a reader.

Dom 'Furious' George: Chill out - it's only snow
Dom George marvels at the child-like effect snow still has on adults.

Rachel Stewart: Dad's illness and Trump
Experience of father's gradual decline has parallels with unstable behaviour of Trump.

Political Roundup: NZ's 'like me' social media election campaign
COMMENT: The internet and social media has so much potential when it comes to politics.

Conserving presents dilemma
What of the future? Who will pay to continue conserving Bushy Park, and why?

Dom 'Furious' George: a little-known tale of spies and rugby boots
Melted boots, opposition spies and the 'Scotsman's Grandstand' it's the 1971 Lions Tour!

Mike Finlayson: A looming election issue
It seems that freshwater is lining up to be an issue in the forthcoming elections.

Carl Chenery: Stolen Taranaki land should be given back
Land stolen from Maori at the beginning of the Taranaki wars needs to be given back.

Manfield Matters: Young farmers final on stage
Tomorrow will be something of a harvest day for Manfeild - in the farming sense.

Trevett: Winston Peters Pied Piper redux
Shane Jones returns, bringing big words and humour with him.

Pukeko Pastures: Bridging the urban-rural divide
Share Farmers of the Year want to "display a more balanced narrative of NZ dairy farming."

Trees spark adventure thirst
Long after I'm gone, I like to think my great great grandchildren will enjoy these trees.

The horse with the long face trots into my life
"I thought you said it was a thoroughbred?" I said to the owner.

Lauren Atkinson: Get up and get active in rural areas
The abundance of organised recreational opportunities located within Rotorua is staggering

Rural Ramblings: New Life for Bex and Bruce
When you live in the country, you soon see a vast number of feral cats share it too.

Dom 'Furious' George: hands off my steak MPI
Dom George comments on MPI's recent ruling on the safety of medium-rare meat.