Bruce Dickens: Waxing lyrical on 1080 isn't credible
The deer that die of 1080 poison do not look like they died with a smile on their face.
The deer that die of 1080 poison do not look like they died with a smile on their face.
There can not be a reality for Hawke's Bay that does not involve water storage.
Spring is now turning into a busy summer and Christmas is approaching at break-neck speed.
With Christmas looming, now is the time to think how you can avoid unnecessary packaging.
On a per capita basis we contribute more greenhouses gases than the US or China.
The Havelock North contamination outbreak was always an event waiting to happen.
COMMENT: Here's what I know. When you list your house, you want top dollar - from anywhere
Traditional mindset at risk because discerning markets want safe, quality food.
Wholesale forest destruction has come at an enormous environmental cost.
COMMENT: Successful companies are all about strategy and execution and a2 has excelled.
Negative rumours abound about 1080 but proof of facts is harder to come by.
COMMENT: In fighting emissions, should agriculture get a better deal than others?
Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) chairman James Parsons will not seek re-election
Battle looms over how many cows is the right number of cows
Animals make life tricky on the farm — as usual, says Julie Paton
Aspirations are admirable but now the new Government has to be accountable.
COMMENT: Fonterra's waterways plan requires a bucket, writes Rachel Stewart.
With new Government, the complex issues around forestry may get greater focus.
Kids with facts behind them will become the best police of all to protect native species.
Business should help to build a new consensus on NZ's trade agreements.
Opinion: The agreement on TPP at Da Nang will be good for New Zealand's beef exports.
We have nothing to show for the $20 million of ratepayer money that was spent of the RWSS.
Farmers are currently cultivating their paddocks for pasture or crop rotation.
If we want to fix the global environmental problems it will have to be up to the farmers.
It's said that separating people from nature leads to increased stress.