What next after the EU pesticide ban?
Opinion: How could the EU neonicitinoid ban affect New Zealand's use of pesticides?
Opinion: How could the EU neonicitinoid ban affect New Zealand's use of pesticides?
COMMENT: Women play a critical role in a healthy rural lifestyle in the South Island.
COMMENT: Get involved in this month's rhyming campaign with no strings attached.
COMMENT: Our lamb exports and cheap bananas are a reminder that future never goes to plan.
Sam "Lashes" Casey thinks characters in NZ rugby are on the verge of extinction.
Decision to allow local council to add fluoride to the water is a victory for common sense
The way ahead is for NZ to continue to engage in open partnerships with the US and China.
Sam "Lashes" Casey says there's a difference between being a fan and being a supporter,
The high rotation of hats brings to mind the old saying "all hat, no cattle".
The majority of the public have no concept of agriculture's actual effect on the climate.
COMMENT: The impact of Fonterra and Fletchers on the economy can't be ignored.
When the Govt decided to ban offshore drilling, it ignored the best advice of officials.
A few intrepid artisan cheesemakers using raw milk have established themselves in NZ.
Opinion: The impact of mycoplasma bovis has been huge, writes Mischa Clouston.
Landlords and other groups find prime minister's attitude duplicitous.
Hugo is struggling to be taken seriously, as he is extremely small.
COMMENT: Where's all the hysteria gone from giving away bottled water rights for free?
It's time to take a good look at erosion and see how it can be helped.
Director David White writes about his experience making the documentary MEAT.
PM's duplicity is in conflict with Tort law's Duty of Care.
High-energy, low-protein feed in addition to grass helps increase milk production.
Opinion: Jamie Mackay tries to remember a particularly eventful Fieldays from the 1990's.
Mycoplasma Bovis poses very significant challenges to the beef and dairy sectors.
COMMENT: Wages are not set by a market, they reflect unequal bargaining power.
COMMENT: When it comes to biosecurity it's in national interest to stay calm and clinical.
Too many cows? Will the M. bovis disease have a silver lining?
Sam "Lashes" Casey doesn't believe New Zealand rugby has a problem with alcohol.