Simon Nixon: Airfare anomaly needs to be sorted
Airport board needs to be proactive and create new opportunities
Airport board needs to be proactive and create new opportunities
Comment: Taxes won't cut it, we need practical solutions to live in a zero-carbon world.
Nick Clark on capital gains tax - what is it looking like and what will it mean?
Should the port follow Tauranga's example?
Investment specialist Mark Fowler argues that Government isn't helping the business.
COMMENT: Bureaucrats just can't deliver on big ideas.
COMMENT: Dairy industry needs a sound set of rules to succeed on the world stage.
Comment: Jim Galloway questions where funds to keep Napier Port running will come from.
Comment: Conservation (Indigenous Freshwater Fish) Amendment Bill needs questioning.
Can our Bay community working collectively make a difference to our rivers?
COMMENT: Reserve Bank makes its forecasts tomorrow but even experts are hedging their bets
Comment: The challenge for the meat industry is whether they are prepared to listen.
The council couldn't spot a wetland in a police lineup, yet farmers are expected to do it.
Every submission counts; every voice does get weighed up against those it opposes
Simon Davies finds it frustrating when road users don't keep the roadside tidy.
Federated Farmers Karen Williams says countries like Myanmar need farmer advocacy groups.
Jen Scoular reflects on the importance of keeping the country green.
Comment: Why is Fonterra obsessed with protecting suppliers who farm intensively?
Horizons Regional Council One Plan's changes for freshwater resources.
Comment: Hurrell is still in the invidious position of being a caretaker CEO.
Comment: Local government still relies on the same tax methods from a hundred years ago.
Animal welfare regulations are for everyone - urban and rural.
Till now it has been more famous as a nursery for the humble snapper...
Rural people are losing touch with like-minded people writes April Mainland.
The GM debate needs to be resolved to benefit New Zealand agriculture.
COMMENT: I want to be able to help the rural community learn from tragedy.