Editorial: Fire has been well fought
One of New Zealand's largest forest fires appears to have been well fought.
One of New Zealand's largest forest fires appears to have been well fought.
Any day now they will come knocking at the door with a basket over their arm.
Actually, I'm joining the majority — 95 per cent of humans never fly.
Comment: Federated Farmers believes in science-based policy.
Comment: The ramifications of establishing forestry blocks takes some research.
Our regional council is focused on being part of the solution, writes Rex Graham.
Comment: The WCO won't add any benefits the current regulations do not already provide.
The Feds say Kiwi toys should be made with NZ wool.
Comment: It's important for farmers to take control of their own destiny.
Nigel Billings looks at whether farmers are paying too much.
Westland District Council won't support a new emissions scheme without proof.
Comment: What could online shopping mean for the agricultural industry.
COMMENT: Powerful minorities influence council decisions while our environment suffers
We need more that just a "blue-green" approach to our problems.
At least I no longer feel like some kind of oddity for using cloth shopping bags.
Comment: Wairarapa Ag training meeting relevant for all New Zealand.
Comment: Fed Farmers applauds Damien O'Connor's efforts with biosecurity.
Comment: The way New Zealand trades with Europe could be about to drastically change.
Comment: We need to get people into training - especially for the sheep and beef industry.
John Wilson was passionately devoted to Fonterra.
Comment: The Fish & Game blame game has started in earnest in 2019.
Comment: There is debate in Rotorua about the future of water management.
Comment: Dr Theo De Jager's visit a huge opportunity to share Kiwi farming know-how.
Comment: The Wairarapa is adversely affected by the closure of Taratahi.
Comment: Mike Weddell heads south for a Sunday fishing session on the river.
Tourism leaders thankful for New Zealanders' reaction to the trashing family.
Comment: Rodeo is a sport legitimately enjoyed and valued by thousands of New Zealanders.
Comment: Rural representation is secure – for now.
Comment: White clover a natural & cost-effective solution to reduce environmental impact.
Comment: It is decision time for the future of agricultural training campus in Balclutha.