Has farming lost its ability to influence?
Comment: As hard as we try to tell our good stories - others speak louder.
Comment: As hard as we try to tell our good stories - others speak louder.
Comment: Do not pass Go. Zero carbon and the ETS are making farming a game of Chance.
Comment: Will to Live Tour gets Rowena Duncum thinking about rural mental health.
Comment: Too much fertile land is going under in the 'Potato v. Property' balancing act.
COMMENT: Years have been spent ignoring fact Fonterra was heading toward the rocks.
Environmentalists present gloomy view of NZ that doesn't accord with how tourists see it.
Comment: What is the worst scenario for our economy: climate change or gene editing?
Comment: It's time for farmers – and New Zealand – to wake up.
COMMENT: Fonterra acts like it's above accountability.
Comment: Feds' David Clark says he has some myth-busting facts about methane.
Bruce Bisset agreeing with the farming lobby? Wow.
Comment: Fonterra was once lauded as the golden child of New Zealand's primary industries.
COMMENT: The gun back won't get close to ridding New Zealand of high-powered weapons.
COMMENT: Horrible symmetry in three vaunted arrivals.
Comment: Every industry has laggards, and farming is no exception.
COMMENT: Fonterra's a cash cow for the suits but little more than M bovis for the farmers.
Comment: Return from forestry is many times greater than farming sheep or cattle.
Comment: Govt's funding boost for Telford farm keeps this valuable training centre alive.
Comment: Whitebaiting is a tradition for many New Zealanders, writes Sarah Dowie.
New Zealand's narrow focus on pinus radiata should change, forester Rachel Rose says.
Comment: How can we differentiate meat and dairy from other protein sources?
Comment: We should make the most of the two election cycles in which we find ourselves.
PM's plan is to put so much pressure on farmers that she will drive them out of business.
Some key takeouts from the Christchurch conference.
The ability to adapt producer practices to meet consumer demands is key to survival.
Comment: Is there a cut of meat more polarising than corned silverside?
We bandaged each other's pretending arterial bleeds and compound fractures.
Comment: Julia Jones imagines what 2019 could teach the food and fibre industry of 2030.
Comment: Are you really saving the planet by becoming a vegan?
Comment: Should there be an amnesty for whoever brought Mycoplasma bovis to NZ?