Comment: Reflecting on our rural past and building for the future
Comment: The end of the year can provide a time of reflection and future planning.
Comment: The end of the year can provide a time of reflection and future planning.
Comment: Julia Jones calls for the farming industry to focus on the positives.
Comment: You owe it to yourself and your taste buds to try Texas barbecue.
Comment: With the coming summer months, there is often an influx of visitors to the farm.
Comment: Simple solutions for difficult problem can have unintended consequences.
The other dogs wagged their tails enthusiastically but seemed unfazed by the death.
One of the little-known joys in life is quietly sitting in the middle of your hen pen.
Editorial: Conservation staff should not have to tolerate threats from 1080 opponents.
Comment: Rather than hamstringing the sector we should look for science-based solutions.
Jayne Hrdlicka got offside with investors early on.
Comment: Some believe organic production systems are better for the environment.
Avocados are a hot commodity in the shops but can be grown at home with a bit of effort.
COMMENT: It would appear Labour is not winning too many of those hearts and minds.
Comment: Fair pay agreement system will come at a cost to our entire economy.
Comment: Rowarth looks at claims organic food is healthier than food grown conventionally.
Protesting your message about animals peacefully is your right.
Resource Management Act has gone from ground-breaking legislation to a whipping boy.
Beehives were being destroyed by lead arsenate sprays.
Comment: Dr Rowarth investigates concerns around the use of chemicals in food production.
Comment: Things are looking positive for New Zealand's red meat exports.
Comment: Protesters last week didn't deserve to be dismissed as rednecks.
Comment: Well that's that then...so long to a prosperous and vibrant regional New Zealand.
Zero Carbon Act has just deprived the Greens of their best selling point.
Wairarapa farmer's speech on problems he sees with forestry and environmental reforms.
Gisborne farmer Kerry Worsnop delivered a speech outlining her concerns on forestry.
Comment: Dr Rowarth looks into controversy around glyphosate, found in Roundup.
Court of Appeal decision is a win for Motiti.
Comment: We want the "right tree in the right place, for the right purpose".
COMMENT: Dairy giant should come clean, or at least open up, about environmental change.