Jamie Mackay: 2021 in review (and a couple of awards too)
This time last year we were looking forward to a better year. Instead we got 2021.
This time last year we were looking forward to a better year. Instead we got 2021.
OPINION: JK outlines ways to shake off anxieties from the Covid 19 pandemic.
Opinion: Glyphosate is approved in NZ because the positive aspects are indisputable.
Farmers no longer need to see sheep and beef as the only land use.
OPINION: Our editorial on the radical fringes of the Groundswell movement.
Opinion: Groundswell has become a juggernaut and that has brought its own difficulties.
Opinion: East Coast farmer Graeme Williams has a carbon farming poem for Jacinda Ardern.
Neither the All Blacks coach or Prime Minister could still be in charge by 2023.
Comment: Kevin Page has yet another plan.
Opinion: Rowena Duncum calls for dignity at the "Mother of all Protests" this weekend.
OPINION: Our editorial on the Three Waters reforms.
Opinion: Activists keep the nitrate in drinking water debate alive.
Opinion: Reducing cow numbers not the only option for a more climate-friendly dairy herd.
OPINION: Watercare.co.nz once again has the sexiest live cams on the internet.
I think it's important to be a part of an organisation such as the Federated Farmers.
Opinion: O'Connor responds to DairyNZ's 10 ways the Govt could back farmers.
OPINION: Government is focused on ownership with its Three Waters reform, not scalability.
Opinion: Rowena Duncum switches off from the pandemic and goes for a tech-free stroll.
Opinion: Alternative eating future risks more environmental damage than traditional diets.
Rural New Zealanders are dragging the chain a bit on vaccination rates.
The current system is broken and literally in need of significant repair.
National says it's a bad time for climate action and that's true. But when's a good time?
Proposal to merge 67 council water services into four is proving controversial.
OPINION: The tide is going out on community decision-making
Opinion: East Coast farmer Graeme Williams is back with another poem for the PM.
Opinion: Who would have ever thought we could get paid for air?
Opinion: Feds President Andrew Hoggard says land needs to be returned to Taihape.
Opinion: We need to stop listening to activists and start listening to scientists.
OPINION: To get a different outcome we need a different strategy, writes the former PM.
Council received 800 responses from residents about Government's Three Waters proposal.