Birds and pufferfish wash ashore
Thirty-eight pufferfish have been collected from Mount beach with more sightings.
Thirty-eight pufferfish have been collected from Mount beach with more sightings.
Forest & Bird calls out councils for ignoring reports on environmentally-conscious farms.
Tips on how to protect farms from mycoplasma bovis.
Green MP James Shaw's comments on climate change are irresponsible, says Robin Grieve.
Opinion: Dr Doug Edmeades explains why he is a climate change sceptic.
Boat ramp surveyors will be at 20 boat ramps along the northeast coast this summer.
Velvetleaf is regarded as the world's worst cropping weed, damaging arable crops.
Mayor looking forward to highway discussion with Government.
Fish deaths prompt relocation of quarter of eel population from lake near Napier
Rain has helped ease potential drought conditions across much, but not all, the district.
Young Northland boy recounts moment eel latches onto his leg.
Farmers need a game plan to repel harmful substances that hurt your livelihood.
A record number of whio ducklings have been located on Mt Taranaki.
Remains of Papamoa beach fire upsets residents and raises council concerns.
When it comes to climate change, there is more to it than sea-level rise and temperature.
Do not touch pufferfish and keep dogs away from these poisonous creatures.
The Lake Hayes scrub fire may have been started by a lawn mower.
The first report card on the health of Lake Horowhenua is in and it is not good.
'When circumstances are happening beyond control that can be huge for the farmer'
Council proposing to invest $6m in land, consents to lure industry.
Floodings costs for Canterbury and Otago have nearly doubled.
Otago Fishing and Game have noted a rise in fishing offences.
The Northland Regional Council is urging boaties to prevent the spread Undaria pinnatifida
There is now a total fire ban across Otago and Southland.
Scientists have begun a "sprawling health check" of hundreds of New Zealand lakes.
The HRBC Water Information services team is running a pilot scheme with Irrigation NZ.
Firefighters still at rubbish fire that quickly got out of control sparking massive blaze.
Russell Boating Club fundraising to lift historic clubhouse above rising tides.