Old poplars lose their ground
Old poplars planted to control erosion and prevent streams blocking now add to problem.
Old poplars planted to control erosion and prevent streams blocking now add to problem.
Sea lice stings leave Welcome Bay boy scratching himself raw.
There are lots of activities on offer to mark this year's Seaweek.
Neil Walker wants to be sure he can claim carbon credits on new forest he plans to plant.
The war over water hit boiling point amid 2017's election. Will 2018 see tensions simmer?
PFAS chemicals were used at RNZAF base Ohakea.
Hamilton will require a new water treatment plant costing more than $100 million by 2045.
A variety of issues were put to Otago Fish and Game officers by local anglers on Wednesday
Long Term Plan consultation asks how CHB district will pay for infrastructure costs.
About 1.3 million chickens would live in barns and have outside access.
Two of 10 farm clusters involved with Extension 350 are now under way in the Far North.
Local authorities are investigating the PFAS chemical contamination at Ohakea airbase.
One Rotorua district councillor has described climate change as "questionable science".
Forest and Bird Fresh Water spokeswoman argues against dams and water storage.
Kiwifruit Vine Health says now is the time to destroy any missed moth plant vines.
Farmers are being reminded to position irrigators away from power lines.
CHB's plea for "more time" last year rejected by one vote.
Crayfish stocks are in crisis, and recreational fishers want an independent review.
Bringing up the subject of mangroves may be the biggest social faux pas for any chat
Crayfish quotas are not allowing the fish to survive in northern waters.
Otago regional councillor Michael Laws unrepentant about burning coal in his fireplace.
A controversial resource consent application is one step closer to the end.
Farmers must tell it like it is. With social media there is no hiding place.
"Farmers are understandably concerned about the wellbeing of their stock."
A Cromwell neighbourhood is concerned about fire risk in a reserve below their properties.
Otago Fish & Game Council asked southern lakes anglers for feedback on fishing regulations
A Dunedin waste disposal business owner lost most of his property in the Burnside fire.
Heavy rain caused widespread surface flooding across much of Wanaka township.
Go jump in the lake. I took that instruction literally and did.
More than 150 fines have been issued to freedom campers in the Western Bay.