Spray-free orchards project wins $7.4m government grant
NZ Apples and Pears begins seven-year project to try to make industry spray-free by 2050.
NZ Apples and Pears begins seven-year project to try to make industry spray-free by 2050.
"The work of the catchment groups is a practical way that we help each other."
Southern entries include egg production, timber, deer and dairy farming operations.
So far 415 boaties spoken to for breaching dolphin rules; 11 potentially facing fines.
Te Roroa is returning 900ha of former pine forest to native bush and food gardens.
Silage wrap distributor Webbline has joined large-scale recycling scheme run by Plasback.
Tenure review agreement will see around 12,250 hectares of high country station preserved.
Lake Hāwea Station has an important relationship with Central Otago Forest & Bird.
The project aims to fill knowledge gaps to assist in managing koi numbers
NZ King Salmon dumped almost 1300 tonnes of fish waste in landfill over last three months.
Journey to spawning grounds now safer for native fish.
Jules Webley is researching the ETS and carbon forestry in NZ.
Farmer consultation on emissions pricing option for agricultural sector has now closed.
Ospri says relocation and releasing of deer has an adverse impact on the environment.
Seven commercial building consents valued at $3,870,000 were issued last month,
Whio are river specialists living on fast-flowing rivers.
After years of breaches, Keith Holswich is fed up with the polluting composter.
Awards celebrate "those who go above and beyond to protect NZ from pests and diseases".
Got business news? Email carmen.hall@nzme.co.nz or zoe.hunter@nzme.co.nz
About 95 kiwi chicks due for release in Hawke's Bay
2021 winter survey found overall loss rate to be 13.6 per cent - approx 109,800 colonies.
Paeroa company AgriSea continues environmental work while maximising seaweed potential.
Vast majority of Kiwi farmers still in the dark about what Zero Carbon Act means for them.
For 120 years shore plover were only known to exist on Rangatira Isl in Chatham Islands
Ideas flowed at the Mid Oreti Catchment Group's planning meeting last week.
Wasps invade beehives and eat insects - reducing the amount of food for native birds.
Contentious poison drop advocated by protesters trying to save Northland forests.
Northland's Russell State Forest has team of hunters tackling feral goat problem
"They are really invested in the project now and want to stay involved as it progresses."