Reducing nitrogen leaching a challenge - Tukituki farmers
A new project aims to find ways Tukituki farmers can reduce their environmental impact.
A new project aims to find ways Tukituki farmers can reduce their environmental impact.
Farmers 4 Positive Change are running meetings focused on water quality.
Dr John Roche will deliver one final presentation Northland Agricultural Research Farm.
Cow condition and feed targets for calving are the priorities to focus on this season.
Several traps have been vandalised on Brow Peak, confusing Predator Free Arrowtown.
Bay company admits unlawful earthworks which led to contaminated stormwater discharges.
The Lincoln University Dairy Farm is sticking with grass this winter.
A retired Levin couple have been restoring parts of their farm to native bush.
Lincol University Dairy farm has achieved a positive environmental result.
A sprawling weed that threatens biodiversity is to be sprayed out of Gordon Park
Two kiwi-listening training workshops have been organised for later this month, in Russell
This is the first time it has been found in New Zealand.
Biosecurity dogs have been called on to track down a suspected wallaby in South Hoikianga.
DOC rangers are abseiling and climbing to save native trees from myrtle rust.
New Zealand's land-based primary industries need to get ready for serious crop diseases.
Are those plants you want to share goodies or baddies?
A specialist team and two trained dogs search for wallaby in south Hokianga.
Damien O'Connor's dairy sector review under fire from Fish & Game, Forest & Bird.
Water management plan for Heretaunga Plains to be presented to council in next two months.
Kontiki users and quad bike joyriders would also face new limitations.
A ''Regenerative Farming Field Day'' was hosted by Beef and Lamb New Zealand in Clinton.
Cattle on a farm in Pahiatua are showing signs of mycoplasma bovis.
Havelock North resident have had enough of putrid smells coming from Te Mata Mushrooms.
Rural commentators Jane Smith and Megan Hands respond to David Parker's Freshwater plan.
Hawke's Bay Regional Council has released the new strain of rabbit calicivirus.
The Hawke's Bay Regional Investment Company wants to sell Ruataniwha Dam assets.
Myrtle rust has been discovered in Northland, prompting pleas from biosecurity officials.
Landowners in CHB could be fined if they don't submit completed environmental plans.