Fruit fly larvae found in chillies at border
Biosecurity New Zealand says invasive pest could have devastated NZ horticulture industry.
Biosecurity New Zealand says invasive pest could have devastated NZ horticulture industry.
A kauri tree in Waipahihi Botanical Reserve has been badly vandalised and will die.
Worm farms are a cost-effective way of dealing with domestic and industrial waste.
Study shows why investment in sustainability is good for the economy
Where are the science and primary industry creds of our biosecurity MPI bosses?
Lewis Road Creamery is leading the charge on using recycled bottles for its milk.
A Horowhenua hapū want Kāpiti's rubbish transferred to the Bonny Glen landfill.
Ka Pai Business programme to be rolled out from today.
Health and safety concern means staff won't be going to the lake's edge thanks to chopper
Bait eggs will allow for more funding for remote bird monitoring, says Makarora group.
The "shameful state of pollution" in the Awanui River will be addressed by NRC.
A development may cause contamination to Lake Hayes if it goes through - group.
A false report of bacteria at a Lawrence water source had locals confused.
Government funding has been approved to tackle wild ginger infestations in Northland.
Some minders of tomorrow's forests planted a young kauri tree as promise to the future
The team is running a charity auction to raise money for "much-needed traps".
Shed will be first of its kind in NZ, and just second in the world for growing cherries.
Geese could be eating all the flounder. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Consensus is building behind planned Zero Carbon Act to combat climate change.
Wairakei Pastoral Ltd (WPL), is working to push through a non-notifiable resource consent.
Eugenie Sage says farming is a critical export industry.
Every year Te Awamutu Fish & Game Association has held a tree day to raise money.
Nitrogen leaching under crops is being examined at the Southern Dairy Hub by AgResearch.
A local man estimates 85 tonnes of rubbish are on 90 Mile Beach.
Retiring farm manager Dennis Wright will leave a lasting legacy on Northland farms.
Waikato Regional Council wants residents to report any sightings of wild rabbit carcasses.
Dryland restoration along the Waimakariri River has received a funding boost.
More than 85 tonnes of plastic and other trash on Ninety Mile Beach.
Eugenie Sage is taking a direct interest in the infestation of Argentinian ants in Kapiti.