Councillors at odds over seriousness of stream pollution
More stream fencing needed - but funds to subsidise it lacking
More stream fencing needed - but funds to subsidise it lacking
Mangawhai entrepreneur Jules Bright hopes her natural sunscreen will help save coral reefs
Horizons Regional Council approves first six grants for the Whangaehu catchment
Outram School children have been giving back to the land.
Bad behaviour on Clive River causes wrath from harbourmaster.
Thick sediment has a Napier resident concerned about Napier's drinking water
From January 14 plastics numbered 3-7 will not be accepted at Far North recycling stations
Two endangered green turtles found on Far North beaches in the past week.
The last time Kerikeri had a recycling station was in 2008 before Memorial Hall site sold
A Te Puke family is upset that dogs have been able to kill their goats three times.
Dairy farmers are making strong efforts to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Hawke's Bay will review its three-waters infrastructure, with a report expected in June.
Changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme will cap units and bring in permanent forest.
Water restrictions will be put in place in the CHB to reduce load on a damaged system.
Waiau has marked some milestones in its recovery from the November 2016 earthquake.
Collapse of Bell's Hill slip would block Awanui River and devastate Kaitaia
Hikoi co-organiser says he was assured dead birds were from a West Coast 1080 drop zone.
A Canadian student wants to know what you think about oil and gas extraction.
Climate change is a difficult subject to tackle for dairy farmers.
The Lawrence Gymkhana Club has received a large chunk of funding.
Report looks at whether NZ can change the way land is used to achieve emissions target.
Members of Ngāti Toro have stepped up to clean up the Forest Pools area.
Walls Bay has long been part of a dispute with a local commercial boatyard.
Barge will visit Urupukapuka then moor off Moturua Island three days a week from Dec 28.
Large pod of dolphins in Tokerau Beach concern DoC.
Water quality in our rivers, lakes and streams is improving.
A DoC ranger slept with a gun for weeks after getting death threats from 1080 activists.
Council spends $650,000 returning range back to square one.
Repair costs after the latest floods in Central Otago are skyrocketing.