Back to square one with broken wastewater pipe
An attempt to fix a leaking pipe into the sea has failed, months after it started.
An attempt to fix a leaking pipe into the sea has failed, months after it started.
Department of Conservation says releasing animals could have unintentional impacts.
Hamilton has been on water alert level one since the start of December
The stench of a million dead fish in the Darling River was too much for one MP.
Low river levels in Central Otago will help anglers in the region.
Illegally dumped rubbish has locals calling for cameras, one councillor's had a gutsful.
Report on climate change highlights need to protect against drought, says IrrigationNZ.
Momoa the elephant seal has not been seen for a week.
The pups' injuries were likely caused by another seal, a post mortem has determined.
Total fire ban in Northland may not be necessary.
The results of a mud volcano eruption in the Waimata Valley. Photos / Liam Clayton
Alexandra has hit sweltering heights this year, according to Niwa.
Deer carcasses, old carpet and household waste are just some of the items left to rot.
As recycling soars, extra trucks called in by Hastings District Council.
Kaiaraara (Duke's Nose) track open again after extensive upgrades.
A total fire ban is being considered for Northland.
A large water leak has been identified in the Te Puke area.
It's a New Year's baby story with a twist - or more like a long beak, to be precise.
Hawke's Bay councils have seen an unprecedented level of recycling over festive season.
People are urged to only use water for essential purposes.
Supermarket resorts to give out small signs for car to prevent disgruntled customers.
Locally, people have been focusing outrage on dumping costs and anger at fly-tippers.
Several Dunedin walking tracks will be given a much-needed spruce up.
Instead of pointing at holidaymakers, Jan McEwen said the fault was of DOC and Council.
Coromandel visitors bypass $2 compactor fee and dump rubbish for free.
Research: Ethical seed-sourcing regulations need developing to restore plant ecosystems.
Research suggests carbon footprint labels on food items could reduce environmental impacts
Biosecurity NZ uses traps, lures and detector dogs to sniff out stink bugs.
Bark and Boulders make a welcome donation after issues with harvesting at the school