A zealot responds to climate change alarm
Comment: 'We all need to open our minds to the fact that things must change.'
Comment: 'We all need to open our minds to the fact that things must change.'
'When we allow our precious land resource to be taken over by pines, what does NZ have?'
More than 75,000 kauri to be planted on dieback-free Māori land beside sacred Takou River.
Himalayan wineberry bramble grows in dense, thick mass, smothering forest canopies.
Commercial beekeeper Geoff Scott said ignorance was a major contributor to AFB spreading.
Jamie Mackay asks the acting PM if charging more for 'gas guzzlers' is fair on farmers.
Eight of the 10 tracks are in Puketi and Omahuta forests west of Kerikeri.
Fisheries Minister considering temporary ban on pāua fishing on beaches north of Dunedin.
Comment:If farmers are expected to do their best over water discharge, shouldn't everyone?
The FNDC is offered an opportunity to reduce pollution at Doubtless Bay.
COMMENT: It seems they've come up with a pretty good way to do it but it'll take time.
It also wants to charge a fee on imported vehicles with higher greenhouse gas emissions.
New research would ultimately help to cut methane emissions.
Agency's funds doubled to $2 million annually for controlling lagarosiphon, or lake weed.
The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board will be calling for a full investigation.
Jane Smith says it's "out of control" for cities to declare climate emergencies.
Eighty per cent of Taupō's wastewater poured straight into lake.
Methane from animals accounts for around a third of New Zealand's emissions.
Monster kauri log unearthed near Kaikohe could prove immensely important to science.
Official maps reveal the vast swathe of wilderness under threat by this year's mega mast.
Dannevirke High School students team up with Horizons for tree planting,
These 'stoats on steroids', seen recently in the Bay of Islands, can kill even adult kiwi.
"Only positive radical action will do": Extinction Rebellion Whangārei's plea to meeting.
Environmentalists want plan change "called in" - Horizons chairman opposed to it.
Rat numbers are high across the country but the devastation has been in here for months.
Comment: Why is the Government focused on agriculture while tourism flies under the radar?
Tauranga pest controllers are fielding many calls from people having rat trouble.
Comment: Farmers are among the first to feel the impacts of climate change.
As the rats die off stoats will start hunting kiwi chicks - only 5 per cent will survive.
First wool insulation fitted to three farm houses on Pāmu's Waimakariri farm this month.