'I was quite shocked': Park ranger catches man flouting kauri dieback rules
Robert Armitstead is accused of entering closed tracks three times during 2019.
Robert Armitstead is accused of entering closed tracks three times during 2019.
Carrie Morgridge has pledged to help philanthropic endeavours in the Wakatipu.
Kākā hit by car recovering at Whangārei Native Bird Recovery Centre
Farmer says fencing off waterways on Central Otago hill country property will be costly.
Native plants will support the indigenous animals of the area.
Red-eared slider turtles are regularly dumped as unwanted pets.
Comment: Farmers can't be expected to save economy and tidy up environment.
Find out how you can do your bit to help bees for Bee Aware Month.
Illegal concreting of waterfall's edge in Poroti is affecting the safe passage of eels.
Difficulty of training volunteers caused DOC to employ hut rangers instead.
John Somerville reckons wintering deer is good for animals, environment, paddock & farmer.
Orchard boss says everyone wants the same thing - a long-term, sustainable water supply.
National's leader not keen on The Country's tractor challenge, or how left treats farmers.
"It comes down to sensible application of necessary regulations," says Damien O'Connor.
'This... negligent pollution is completely unacceptable, but also completely avoidable.'
Farmers shared information on environment, good management and better farming practices.
Minister of Agriculture on how freshwater reforms could affect winter grazing practices.
"My grandfather could remember kiwi running around his hut," says farmer Rob McClean.
Rāhui on Hāwera's Tawhiti Stream to remain until it is returned to full health.
Access to boat ramp and adjacent parking area at Motutara Point will close for the work.
Hinewai Ormsby and husband Cam grow native plants and hold annual community planting days.
Started in 2017, the Rangitīkei Rivers Catchment Collective is still growing.
Feds pres is worried proposed restrictions will bring "a hell of a lot of paperwork".
Greenpeace says Aucklanders should be the first cab off the rank for Waikato water.
Proposed possum control programme in Akatarawa Forest.
Barrie Wills wants prosecution allowed for effluent spillage on highways & public places.
Councillors decide criteria and desired outcomes from biodiversity funding.
Federated Farmers president says common sense and having a plan will help.
Forestry export industry seeks reduction in coming standards to avoid economic loss