A new pest to needle Hawke's Bay farmers
The pest plant has a sharp seed head that can pierce an animal's eye or skin.
The pest plant has a sharp seed head that can pierce an animal's eye or skin.
MPI says register a one-stop-shop for all pests and diseases in NZ's biosecurity system.
Govt must move its attention from offsetting emissions to reducing fossil fuel emissions.
The big red ute played a big part in Kieran McAnulty's election campaign.
The exercise tests Taranaki's oil response spill capability.
The motion is coupled with a suite of new policies aimed at curbing climate change.
A 1080 drop is proposed for Tataraakina between Te Haroto and Tarawera
Groundswell NZ members launch petition, saying new rules are "unworkable."
Waikato Regional Council chairman defends council's 'white as snow' procurement process.
More than half of New Zealand lakes surveyed have either poor or very poor water quality.
Lynmore Primary School pupils have been busy over the past few years.
DoC hunters and contractors worked over four months.
Fresh water and how to get it is top of mind for Ray Grubb.
"It's been quite changing, as far as the garden goes, by having these critters about."
Waikato Regional Council forms committee to oversee Healthy Rivers/Wai Ora appeals process
The council says roadside plantings can reduce drivers' vision and threaten power lines.
Discovering several eels in lifestyle block triggers five-week biodiversity investigation.
Year 10 students have created a bird sanctuary after bird "River", fell from a nest.
Council is confident it could 'reduce the odour to a level where it is not offensive'.
It hopes to deliver up to 300 plans to improve land management and the environment.
Te Mana o te Wai will have a significant impact on Kiwi farmers.
Department of Conservation dog handlers are spending the week sweeping for pests.
DoC focuses on educating the public and enforcement on protected reserves in Bream Bay.
Opinion: Freshwater rules need more than a few tweaks.
The field day included a walk around the Browns' award-winning Mangamingi property.
New Zealand Biosecurity awards took place at a ceremony last night in Wellington.
Farmer group Groundswell NZ stemmed from last month's tractor trek in Gore.
Nine eggs in total removed from three sites across Northland and Auckland
Freshwater telemetry rule "absolutely stupid" for West Coast says Debra Magner.