Lifting water quality and profit
How can you make looking after the environment profitable?
How can you make looking after the environment profitable?
New Zealand should be proud of what farmers have done to protect waterways
We need to smarter about rules to clean up waterways, writes Cathy Begley
Politicians fail to understand what's behind New Zealand's deteriorating water quality.
Steve Maharey reckons his idea can bridge the urban/rural divide over water quality.
COMMENT: People have known there is a problem with our waterways long before new report.
The state of Hawke's Bay's local waterways is in crisis, writes Trevor Le-Lievre.
Suggested minimum flows for the Manuherikia River would threaten farming, say experts.
Significant rainfall has boosted the Selwyn/Waikirikiri River recently
Ruataniwha Water Storage Scheme review delayed by two weeks.
Two damning reports on farming greeted by Government silence, says green campaigner.
Farming is improving its products to meet environmental and nutritional demands.
Freshwater is one of New Zealand's key strategic assets.
Smith needs to explain how his fences can cover an area 18x longer than Trump's wall
South Canterbury farm proves environmental gains can be made while production improves
The most important decision in a generation.
"I struggle to see how this application can be consistent with ECan's mandate,"
Selwyn Waihora Zone Committee recommends ECan work with farmers to limit irrigation
Five findings from a new independent stocktake of the state of our lakes and rivers.
Otago was more in a position to "maintain'' as opposed to "regain'' water quality
Recycling Akaroa's wastewater to keep the area green is a possibility
The plan aims to protect the unique and nationally significant area from marine pests
Restoration plans would have caused "considerable" social disruption
A long hidden waterfall is once again accessible to the public
''Lab at the Lake'' fun day held to get kids interested in freshwater science
"You wouldn't know the paddocks (have) irrigation, just that they were green,"
Any commercial operation turning water into money should expect to have to pay.
Water symposium delayed again in order to include Havelock North water inquiry findings.