River 'raking' a damaging practice?
Fishermen are concerned with the decline in trout numbers in the Hawke's Bay rivers.
Fishermen are concerned with the decline in trout numbers in the Hawke's Bay rivers.
The Court of Appeal is unmoved by claims export swamp kauri is not being controlled by MPI
A community group feels shortchanged after an cuts to an expected donation
A group of Hawke's Bay people have rallied against a proposed Water Conservation Order
Adult female kiwi found mauled - dog bites were the cause of death.
COMMENT: While Jacinda saved Labour, she and she alone, is responsible for their defeat.
Derek is one the country's leading sheep breeders and all round "good bugger."
DairyNZ CEO's tireless efforts to promote positive dairy makes him today's "good bugger."
Mid Canterbury dairy farmer Joanne van Polanen wears many hats on and off farm.
Climate change workshops throughout New Zealand attract 420 rural professionals.
Environment Southland and the Otago Regional Council join forces to hunt for rooks.
First water of $57million pipeline expansion turned on at a Weston farm yesterday.
Is our news media covering climate change accurately? Researchers have checked the record.
Doug Leeder says the regions waterways are in good shape by national standards.
Students are considering getting some birds after realising how much food is thrown out.
The ORC is investigating an alleged run-off of sediment into the Kawarau River.
Protest rallies opposition to controversial Water Conservation Order in Hawke's Bay.
This is not a political rally, the organisers of a farmers' rally in Morrinsville said.
Four men who took wood from reserves have been sentenced in the Rotorua District Court.
Party leaders call for Labour to clarify who owns New Zealand's fresh water.
Farmers united to show their frustration at "continued attacks" on rural New Zealand.
Tim Myers and Don Nicolson talk farmer protests from the past and present.
Rowena Duncum reports on who is attending the Morrinsville protest today.
Around 300 farmers have gathered for a protest against Labour's water tax.
Vancouver has an ambitious goal: to be the greenest city in the world by 2020.
Meeting highlights concerns over HRC's One Plan ruining dairy farmers' lives.
Grants aim to assist groups with projects to help increase engagement with waterways
Heretaunga's water resources are the lifeblood of our region.