Latest fromTCN - Environment

Upper Clutha farmers claim ORC comments 'misleading'
A group of Upper Clutha farmers are not ruling out legal action against the ORC

Listen: QE II National Trust celebrates 40 years and 4,400 covenants
QE II National Trust chairman James Guild celebrates 40 years and 4,400 covenants.

Fish and Game questions ORC on Lindis flows
Otago Fish and Game has expressed "real concern'' over minimum water flows.

Sewage fill dump 'a mistake'
Council declares dumping 'a mistake'. Made with funding from NZ On Air.

Coastal lakes fine for swimming
Water in Wiritoa and Dudding lakes is fine for swimming, according to recent test results

Takahe numbers rise
The official yearly takahe population count is in, with a 13 per cent increase in a year.

Limits needed to protect waterways - former Fish and Game CE
Two Fish and Game representatives were the first witnesses in the WCO hearing

Warrior pupils help the karearea
More than 10,000 school children throughout the country have become Wingspan Warriors

Biosecurity ramping up in Northland this summer
MPI plans to ramp up biosecurity checks on international boats arriving in Northland.

Dredging application withdrawn at Uruti Bay
Outcry from Russell residents leads to change of plan over pipi bed dredging

Bala Tikkisetty: Cultivate with care after the big wet
Farmers are currently cultivating their paddocks for pasture or crop rotation.

Brazen dump on outskirts of Whangarei
Broken furniture makes up bulk of rubbish dumped near corner of Church and Pipiwai Rds

Result of waterfront clean-up disappoints
Bottle tops, used condoms and four dead ducklings were found in Queenstown Bay on Sunday.

New measures to combat biosecurity risk
A new biosecurity X-ray machine targeting baggage will be trialled at Auckland Airport

Most oppose higher river speed limit
An increased speed limit for boaties on Cluth River has had overwhelming opposition.

Tauranga youngsters learning about our waterways
About 200 children from 20 Bay schools enjoyed the regional council's hands-on Water Expo.

No escape in estuary for invasive tubeworm
Work under way to rid Ahuriri Estuary of tubeworms.

15,000 scientists' catastrophic 'warning to humanity'
Scientists warn humans have 'unleashed a catastrophic mass extinction event'.

Darren Sutton: Staying focused on getting cows in calf
It is mid-November and this is a time when our focus on getting cows back in-calf can wane

Hawke's Bay hapu changes tack on WCO
Representatives for only tangata whenua applicant declare no support for WCO.

Hopes high kakariki will breed in the Bay
Re-introduction of red-crowned parakeets a success so far after 30-year absence

Conditions 'fantastic' for annual fishing competition
Fishing conditions on Lake Hawea during the fishing tournament were "fantastic".

Swapping school shoes for gumboots
St Johns Hill School get behind Predator Free 2050 initiative

Second call for fishing guides to be licensed
New Zealand Professional Fishing Guides Association wants guides to be licensed.

Joint efforts on water quality
Otago Regional Council is working with Central Otago farmers to monitor water quality

Swapping school shoes for gumboots
The ultimate aim is to eradicate predators within the school grounds and eventually beyond

Federated Farmers: Seeking mandate to join biosecurity GIA
Federated Farmers considers joining the GIA the right thing to do.