Southland's Jeff Grant to help lead red meat sector's Brexit response
Jeff Grant has been appointed to support the red meat sector's response to Brexit.
Jeff Grant has been appointed to support the red meat sector's response to Brexit.
Southland and Otago farmers left with crops of toxic swede are working through the issue.
Shane and Eileen Walker, of Gore, decided to try once-a-day milking.
The New Zealand Ploughing Championships are on in Thornbury this weekend.
DairyNZ hosted seminar in Gore on pros and cons of once-a-day milking.
Winter grazing and cultivation rules were hot topics during the hearings process.
Southland Plan made significant progress but farmers say there is room for improvement.
Farmers worried about compensation at public meeting in Gore last week.
The focus is quickly turning to the dairy season ahead, with dairy expected to recover.
Student nurses offer free health checks for farmers. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Student nurses offer free health checks for farmers. Made with funding from NZ On Air
Specialist advice for farmers who inadvertently sowed swede linked to cow deaths.
It's all about rodeo for the Perkins family from Southland.
Dairy farm outside Invercargill the latest to be confirmed as infected.
You could say it was an interesting swap - a saddle for a kidney.
Dr Paul Dettloff says Mycoplasma bovis need not cripple dairy profitability
Wool prices are strong and on firm aground at present.
"Every possible opportunity will be taken to make this process as rigorous as possible"
A mistake led to 556 farmers growing crops, which previously caused liver disease in cows.
Phil Duncan, David Broome, Don Nicolson, Annette Scott and Rhodes Donald.
Damien O'Connor says Field Days are the perfect opportunity to reach out.
Nathan Guy believes M. bovis compensation payouts could cost Government over $100 million.
The world's largest conventional tractor also has a rather large price tag.
Katie Milne says people are beginning to realise how amazing farmers are.
Beer-tasting a popular part of the Southern Man competition at Southern Field Days.
Minister for Agriculture and Rural Communities spoke to Southland farmers about M. bovis.
A farmer affected by M. bovis believes the cattle disease could change the way NZ farms.