'From summer to winter': Temperatures set to plunge in matter of hours
A series of fronts are forecast to move over the country from the southwest on Tuesday.
A series of fronts are forecast to move over the country from the southwest on Tuesday.
A police officer at the scene said the driver had been taken to hospital with a hurt knee.
Group of Southland men went from Invercargill to Christchurch and back in two days.
The smelter is due to close in just over three years at a cost of 1000 jobs.
Ethel and John Johnston first met on a boat to Australia in 1960.
Smelter's owners will raise provision for clean-up after audit finds more waste on site.
Tangaroa Walker launched Farm4Life "to try & give a bit of light to the farming industry".
MPI, MfE, councils and industry developed online tool to help improve practices.
Kauana Sheep Dog Trial Club's centennial held in central Southland earlier this month.
Gary Sunshine-Tervit credits his "amazing" wife for helping him tackle his mental health.
Employment Relations Authority said farmer was "wilfully blind" to his obligations.
Ian Woolley and Bob Mehrtens are set to represent the nation in Russia next year.
"Certainly, in the next few weeks, there is not a signal for above normal rainfall."
"A modern milking shorthorn is a commercial cow that can keep up with the Friesians."
Dave McDonald has encouraged his grandsons to take part in NZ Ploughing Championships.
Akaroa farmer Hamish Menzies said they are making a plan for it if it doesn't rain soon.
Trial only cancelled twice in past century - for flooding in 1970s and Covid-19 last year.
Growing therapeutic hemp could be a "home run" for Southland farmers.
Southland farming family believes there's great potential for hops in the area.
Former staff say the waste, that contains cyanide, has been buried in unmapped sites.
Mark Dillon is preparing his paddocks for the New Zealand Ploughing Championships.
Southland-Otago Dairy Industry Awards Share Farmer of the Year winners on their success.
Red meat export revenue is forecast to drop for the 2020-21 season from the previous year.
Mounting pressure on Southland's agricultural sector is expected to hit dairy production.
The leak resulted in a full evacuation at South Pacific Meats in Awarua, Invercargill.
Southland farmer's Farm4Life Facebook page aims to inspire youth into the dairy sector.
Opponents say it's unfair for small rural town to take so much rubbish from other regions.
Kiwi deer industry starting to see velvet as a health-food ingredient.
Tyler Ward was dismissed from Samson Hill Harvesting Limited by email.
Metservice says there is a possibility of light frosts in parts of Otago and Southland.