Cops scour new areas in hunt for missing real estate agent
Yanfei Bao was last seen alive on July 19.
Yanfei Bao was last seen alive on July 19.
Stephen Parry announced his departure after failed mediation with Mayor Ben Bell.
The youngster was last seen around 1.30pm yesterday.
The alarm was raised at 2.20pm after the man went missing at Slope Point, Southland.
Yesterday there were 56 cases of the gastro bug in the Queenstown Lakes outbreak.
No connection between the fire and the research burns in autumn.
Regional authorities confirmed the boat is still in one piece but unreachable.
A desire to read to his grandchildren inspired him to admit he was illiterate.
The agency is aiming to reopen the road for a single lane of light vehicles.
Emergency services rushed to rural property just before midday.
The West Coast to Otago-Queenstown route is closed after torrential rain.
The resort town’s residents may only face weeks, not months, of water-boiling pain.
Queenstown residents instead booked a stay at the Holiday Inn out of their own pocket.
Landslides and heavy floodwaters have forced residents to evacuate.
Chief says fire 'very difficult to fight'.
Roads are flooded and water is threatening homes across the southern region.
Fire chief says: 'We're in for a hell of a time'.
Surface flooding has hit Invercargill as the South braces for heavy rain and snow.
Dovedale rural water supply is one of the most glaring issues for Tasman’s council.
Locals took to social media to report potential issues with their drinking water.
A mystery meat dumper has been filling Christchurch’s public bins in recent weeks.
A Dunedin chocolate factory wants to put South Pacific cacao beans on the map.
More than 10,000 people lost power overnight, Wellington Electricity said.
Lion NZ has apologised to customers and added staff to address the issue.
The Wānaka Stakeholders Group surveyed more than 600 locals on the issue.
Pest Free Banks Peninsula wants to eradicate all animal pests by 2050.
DoC investigating attack on female sea lion in "nationally vulnerable" population.
Local residents say antisocial and disrespectful behaviour is a problem every season.
Five fire trucks, two tankers and one smoke chaser are responding.
Yanfei Bao was last seen alive on July 19.