Early cherry harvest begins in Cromwell
The first fruit is coming off the trees, and it is looking like a good crop.
The first fruit is coming off the trees, and it is looking like a good crop.
A group of Upper Clutha farmers are not ruling out legal action against the ORC
Gore farmer Andrew Morrison will take over as chairman of Beef+Lamb New Zealand
The annual South Otago A&P Show will go ahead despite a suspicious fire
Bottle tops, used condoms and four dead ducklings were found in Queenstown Bay on Sunday.
New Zealand was in winning form at the World Waterfowl Calling Championships.
An increased speed limit for boaties on Cluth River has had overwhelming opposition.
John McEwan has been described by a farmer as the "rock star'' of sheep scientists.
Fishing conditions on Lake Hawea during the fishing tournament were "fantastic".
Otago Regional Council is working with Central Otago farmers to monitor water quality
Kate Scott quips that Landpro is "taking over the world one small regional town at a time"
Solis Norton, of Port Chalmers, has been named a 2018 Nuffield scholar
Dunedin builder Michael Hastie has gone nuts - and established Bay Road peanut butter.
Dog put down after sheep and miniature ponies attacked .
Group had been accused of hunting while drunk and being rude to other hut users.
Yesterday, farmers gathered at Happy Valley Station to show off their new bespoke suits
A wound-healing sinus gel co-developed by the University of Otago is set to go on sale
It takes more than hops, malt, water and yeast to run a successful beer festival.
Fencing industry folk from parts of the South Island converged on a North Otago landmark
NZ foods of the future have more flavour and texture, but also boost our brain functions.
The North Island can expect rain and wind, but the South Island misses the brunt of it.
South Canterbury blade shearers Tony Dobbs and Phil Oldfield triumph in Bendigo.
Alexandra firefighters are asking people to take care in the region's dry conditions
Gibbston winery Peregrine Wines is funding six new traplines on Resolution Island
Westland Milk Products is on track to achieve its target of $78million in savings
Will the Little River Fire Brigade have enough water to fight blazes this summer?
Rabbits on the Anzac Drive, New Brighton and Travis Rds roundabouts could be culled
The Otago Fish and Game Council has vowed to fight for the licensing of fishing guides
Oil and gas drilling off the Oamaru coast could have detrimental effect on marine lie.
Gordon Duthie spent every Sunday from March through to August rebuilding a shearing shed