Warmer weather perfect for pests to thrive
Warmer temperatures are perfect for pests to proliferate
Warmer temperatures are perfect for pests to proliferate
Sanford has posted an increased full-year profit of $35.7million
A value chain approach must be part of the solution for Landcorp farms.
A dry spell is developing across New Zealand that could last into December.
Rabbit numbers on the Moeraki Peninsula have exploded, reaching "plague" proportions.
There is a call for a national strategy to secure our fresh food supply
The Hay's unique story of how they became South Island Farm Foresters of the Year.
Another 1000 cattle on a newly identified infected Waimate property will be culled.
Tartans and haggis are set to take over Wanaka in two weeks' time
Gore farmer Andrew Morrison will take over as chairman of Beef+Lamb New Zealand
The annual South Otago A&P Show will go ahead despite a suspicious fire
Bottle tops, used condoms and four dead ducklings were found in Queenstown Bay on Sunday.
New Zealand was in winning form at the World Waterfowl Calling Championships.
An increased speed limit for boaties on Cluth River has had overwhelming opposition.
John McEwan has been described by a farmer as the "rock star'' of sheep scientists.
Fishing conditions on Lake Hawea during the fishing tournament were "fantastic".
The outlook for the rest of November is stunning for most of New Zealand.
New Zealand Professional Fishing Guides Association wants guides to be licensed.
Solis Norton, of Port Chalmers, has been named a 2018 Nuffield scholar
Dunedin builder Michael Hastie has gone nuts - and established Bay Road peanut butter.
Dog put down after sheep and miniature ponies attacked .
Group had been accused of hunting while drunk and being rude to other hut users.
Yesterday, farmers gathered at Happy Valley Station to show off their new bespoke suits
A wound-healing sinus gel co-developed by the University of Otago is set to go on sale
It takes more than hops, malt, water and yeast to run a successful beer festival.
The "gods are smiling" on Waitaki Valley wine growers this spring.
An alpine lakes research centre in Wanaka may soon become a reality.
Fencing industry folk from parts of the South Island converged on a North Otago landmark
NZ foods of the future have more flavour and texture, but also boost our brain functions.
The North Island can expect rain and wind, but the South Island misses the brunt of it.