Transtasman shears tests bounce back from pandemic hiatus
Transtasman shearing competition that dates back 48 years will resume this October.
Transtasman shearing competition that dates back 48 years will resume this October.
Mixture of title and selection series winners will make up the six NZ team members.
New record holder Welsh shearer Lloyd Rees managed an average of 35.9 seconds a lamb.
New record-holder shore 763 of Tarawera Station's toughest pumiced sheep in 2020.
Stuart Catto is closing his Oamaru business Catto Wool, after a lifetime in the industry.
Pay rates for key roles in the shearing industry are set to rise.
Jack Fagan and Reuben Alabaster will separately attempt the 8 hr lamb record in December.
The 2022-2023 season promises to be a big one for Shearing Sports New Zealand.
Personal best for shearing lambs attempted by four members of the same gang.
Circuit final went ahead at Armidale Merino Stud, in Gimmerburn, under Covid restrictions.
A shearing final is not your regular weekend punt.
Allan Paterson saved the event from being cancelled by hosting it on his farm.
Just four North Island shearing competitions this summer. There should have been 32.
Results from Saturday's Apiti and Districts Show shearing and woolhandling championships.
Five Southland finalists vying for National Shearing Circuit title next week.
Apiti and District Show Shearing and Woolhandling Champs kick off tomorrow.
The money raised will go towards buying medical equipment for the hospital.
Potae's online programme helps rural workers gain access to after-hours services.
"A bit of rain never hurt anyone" was the motto at the Aria Waitangi Day Sports Shears.
Carload of Northland competitors celebrated the chance to compete.
34 of 59 competitions in the 2021/22 Shearing Sports NZ season have now been cancelled.
Masterton shearer claimed victories in all five shearing grades in NZ on Sunday.
Floyd Haare is the fifth open-final winner from Southland this season
Competitions and the shearing industry face multiple issues stemming from Covid-19.
The rural sector is uniting again to help those battling cancer in the South.
There are still 29 competitions on the Shearing Sports New Zealand calendar to mid-April.
Woolhandler Amy-Lee Ferguson ends eight-year drought with NZ Longwool Championships win.
Luis Pincol is the first South American to win an open-class shearing final in NZ.
It's all go at tihau-Whanganui Incorporation's Te Pa Station with a Facebook live stream.
No spectators allowed at the nine-hours, five-stand, strong wool lambs record.