Near-record turnout for Taihape Shears
Taihape’s famed gumboot throwing competition was cancelled but shearing still went ahead.
Taihape’s famed gumboot throwing competition was cancelled but shearing still went ahead.
Around 150 shearers and woolhandlers are expected to compete at the event.
The shearing gun on his new eight-hour strong wool lamb shearing record.
A break from the woolshed pays off for Northland gun.
"We’re praying we will get there. We should get there, but it has been a bit wet up here."
Transtasman shearing and woolhandling tests resume after Covid disruption.
Angus Moore and Nathan Stratford win big at Marlborough and Pleasant Point Shears.
Organising a world record attempt is both challenging and expensive.
Shears only had 16 entries last year after sticking it out through Covid restrictions.
Nathan Stratford won the Ashburton A and P Show’s open shearing final on Saturday.
Almost 70 shearers and woolhandlers competed at the Wairarapa A and P Show on Saturday.
John Kirkpatrick has shorn 14 transtasman tests, Now his daughter is in the team
Rowland Smith won the Great Raihania Shears open final at the Hawke’s Bay Show on Friday.
Eventful trip from Hutt Valley to North Canterbury worth it for blade shearing champ.
Results from Poverty Bay A and P Show’s Gisborne Shearing and Woolhandling Championships.
First transtasman shearing and woolhandling test matches in more than two years postponed.
Gisborne Shearing and Woolhandling Champs and Selwyn Show Shearing Champs this weekend.
New Zealand Merino Championships kicked off the shearing sports season on Friday.
2022-2023 Shearing Sports NZ season in full swing after Covid-19 disruption.
Australia-based Kiwi shearing legend Samson Te Whata will head the team.
Joel Henare has confirmed he is unavailable for the 2022-2023 series.
Transtasman shearing competition that dates back 48 years will resume this October.
Mixture of title and selection series winners will make up the six NZ team members.
New record holder Welsh shearer Lloyd Rees managed an average of 35.9 seconds a lamb.
New record-holder shore 763 of Tarawera Station's toughest pumiced sheep in 2020.
Pay rates for key roles in the shearing industry are set to rise.
Jack Fagan and Reuben Alabaster will separately attempt the 8 hr lamb record in December.
The 2022-2023 season promises to be a big one for Shearing Sports New Zealand.
Personal best for shearing lambs attempted by four members of the same gang.