Dream home with a view that almost wasn't
Some might say the Kershaws are "lucky" to have their home, but luck never came into it.
Some might say the Kershaws are "lucky" to have their home, but luck never came into it.
Milton farmer Nigel Woodhead is the first Otago winner in competition's 49-year history
It may be snow-go for some motorists this week, with white stuff on the way.
Waitaki's dairy farmers and their cows are wintering well.
Stoush causes Waitaki District Council to hold back routine gravelling on rural roads.
Couple win the New Zealand Deer Farmers Association Next Generation Award.
A North Otago vet practice has earned multiple national awards for its research.
The ongoing battle over the future development of rural land in the Upper Clutha continues
Clutha District Council would rather have road-side trees removed than introduce a bylaw
Reduced beef supply from Australia and New Zealand should continue to hold prices.
Ever since he was a small child, George Smith has been hooked on sheep and beef farming.
Kiwi growers don't have the population to meet a potentially lucrative export market.
"It's grown into a bit of a beast," - it's a big year for Whitestone Cheese.
Crossbred wool industry is in crisis, says PGG Wrightson's Sth Island wool sales manager.
South Devon cattle have taken Allanton farmer Brian Thomson all over the world.
OIO consent granted for a pig farming and genetics company to buy land in East Otago.
High beef prices and record calf sales have paid dividends for southern beef-bull breeders
About 20 brown trout found dead in Mill Creek, near Arrowtown, were electrocuted
A $15.2million venison processing facility at Lorneville hopes to be operational in 2018.
Tegel Group Holdings reported a profit in line with the revised December expectations
Farmer confidence has hit a record high, underpinned by strengthened farmgate returns.
The overall risk of myrtle rust to the manuka honey industry is low, say experts.
Arjan van't Klooster and Nigel Woodhead are the southern entrants in an annual competition
Lincoln University has confirmed plans for Masterton-based Taratahi Agricultural Training
Glenorchy wastewater scheme opponents have complained to the Office of the Auditor-general
When it comes to rearing calves, Nicola Neal knows the challenges involved
Federated Farmers is seeking a ''targeted catchment approach'' to addressing water quality
DoC voice fears about the looming extinction of a native galaxiid fish species.
Cannabis is still the most common drug ''by a country mile'' found when staff are tested
Farmers worry ORC could undermine farmer water-sharing group, Kyeburn Catchment Ltd.