Latest fromOtago

Historic flood-damaged bridge to be removed
Historic bridge destroyed by flooding will be removed says Dunedin City Council.

Cattle disease tests now reach 20,000
MPI has completed more than 20,000 tests for the cattle disease Mycoplasma bovis.

Spring, the time to keep an eye out for rooks
Environment Southland and the Otago Regional Council join forces to hunt for rooks.

Orchardist steps up organic production
Worldwide organic fruit demand means plans to double area of fruit trees for orchardist.

One more chance for viticulturist
Annabel Bulk is dedicated to winning Young Viticulturist of the Year next year.

Long, dry wait over as taps turned on
First water of $57million pipeline expansion turned on at a Weston farm yesterday.

Study fillip for Lincoln student
Lincoln University student awarded North Otago Fed Farmers-ANZ rural tertiary scholarship.

Readers' help solves half of mystery
It is one mystery item down and one to go at the North Otago Museum, in Oamaru.

Removing Wanaka slip top of the agenda; investigation second
Once the site is assessed as being stable by the engineers, the slip will be removed.

Watch: Can you identify these mysterious items?
Help is required to identify two mysterious items at the North Otago Museum.

Proposal to build on high-class soil opposed
Plan to subdivide former market garden in Outram criticised by opponents.

Bobby calves being kept back for beef
More dairy farmers keeping and rearing bobby calves because of price per weaned calf.

Kelso farmers raising bobby calves for beef
Dairy farmers Ken and Bruce Eade decided it made economic sense to raise bobby calves.

Sleepless nights for farmer over raw milk scare
Campylobacter scare gives Hawea Flat dairy farmer sleepless nights.

Increase in 'lost rivers'
Four Otago rivers have been described as ''lost rivers'' by a national fishing group

Global Dairy Trade seeks European deal
Global Dairy Trade has signed a letter of intent with the European Energy Exchange

Otago Regional Council says no pollution risk from old scow
ORC has determined decaying scow 'Portland' is not at risk of polluting the Owaka River.

New mycoplasma bovis infections 'entirely expected pattern'
"These detections are evidence of the programme working, not of unexpected disease spread"

Dissatisfaction with Waitaki's rural roads increases
Waitaki residents are growing increasingly dissatisfied with the district's rural roads.

Fewer fowl satisfies Waitaki District Council
Looks like Wayne Richardson has followed Waitaki District Council's ruling to reduce birds

Supporters angry wild horse shot
Horse found dead in forestry block above Kaitangata with two gunshot wounds.

Pair having a crack at walnut growing
Nurseryman hopes to sell nuts through the family's nurseries or at farmers' markets.

Timeframe for rural health training schools uncertain
Next step for rural health training schools complicated by upcoming election.

Flux-meter data relevant for Otago/Southland arable farmers
Information on nutrient losses will have applications for Otago/Southland arable farmers.

Clues to mycoplasma bovis spread
South Canterbury farmer fears mycoplasma bovis might also be present further north.

Farmlands appoints new director
Julie Bohnenn has been appointed as the new independent director of Farmlands Co-operative

Hundreds expected for book launch
The history of the Wilden settlement has been immortalised in print.

Otago Uni genomics alliance gets up to $35 million
University of Otago-led genomics alliance to get up to $35 million from Government.