Silver Fern Farms CEO enjoying new challenges
Simon Limmer enjoys the challenges that come with being Silver Fern Farms chief executive.
Simon Limmer enjoys the challenges that come with being Silver Fern Farms chief executive.
A new chairman has been elected for the Upper Clutha A&P Society board.
Outram School children have been giving back to the land.
''When we first came here farmers spoke so fast and we didn't understand anything.''
The Mental Health Foundation wants more focus on rural communities.
Waiau has marked some milestones in its recovery from the November 2016 earthquake.
Farmers should move baleage from flood plains to higher ground, say experts.
A Central Otago winemaker has been selected for a prestigious award.
Rural Women NZ want to see a focus on mental health in farming communities.
A bill has passed that tells people the origin of their food products on the label.
Strawberry punnets filled up at the Waimate Strawberry Fare.
It has been a quiet year for cattle exports, with only three going out from NZ.
Pamu general manager Graeme Mulligan has been honoured with Mulligans Covenant.
Climate change is a difficult subject to tackle for dairy farmers.
Southern Clams can now harvest cockles from the Otago Harbour.
The Lawrence Gymkhana Club has received a large chunk of funding.
DairyNZ is carrying out a labour market survey in Southland and Canterbury.
MPI's newly appointed director-general has been addressing farmers concerns about m.bovis.
New Zealand Merino Co has a superstar CEO.
No cattle at 153rd annual Tokomairiro A&P Show in Milton, but event still a success.
A camping area will be added to an orchard near Cromwell to cater to more tourists.
Cherries and grapes are experiencing a boom in Central Otago.
Jack Keeys has no regrets when it comes to interning at AbacusBio.
Escalator programme, directed by Agri-Women's Development Trust, has had 100 graduates.
Waitaki District wines have been officially recognised as distinct blends by winemakers.
Providore Wines is using augmented reality and an app to sell its wine.
A national standard for organic production will be advanced as a Govt Bill next year.
"A lot have a concern about whether it is working. No-one is 100 per cent sure."
Central Otago's unpredictable climate hasn't dampened the outlook of local cherry growers.
''They're pretty low-life sort of people who would have done that.''