West Otago feed auction aims to raise $25,000
As well as raising vital community funding, the auction doubles as a winter social event.
As well as raising vital community funding, the auction doubles as a winter social event.
The Morrisons have been producing ''grade free'' milk for 14 years on the trot.
Contact Energy & Otago Fish & Game council working through a negotiation for the project.
Work & Income anomaly means some residents are $120 to $150 worse off a week.
Sale of shares would raise more equity, but also represented the last of the water.
Brace yourself, New Zealand, few places will be dry by Sunday evening.
"The animals would have suffered immensely" police said.
Allen McCaw received Supreme Award at the ApiNZ National Honey Competition in Rotorua.
Transition of existing mining water permits to modern resource consents complicated.
Wallabies are the "biggest threat to farming since the rabbit plague of 100 years ago".
Blue Mountain College pupils awarded first place at the AgriKidsNZ Grand Final.
Founders of 42 Below vodka, Geoff and Justine Ross always knew they would be farmers.
Waimate/Waitaki M. bovis Advisory Group formed to support MPI's eradication programme.
Frost dries out vegetation so farmers should stay vigilant when burning off during winter.
Cromwell orchards would be ''irreversibly impacted'' if plan change 13 was granted.
Environmental work an excellent way for farmers to get to know the community.
Someone is vandalising pest-traps on hills above Arrowtown.
No Ministry of Education confirmation about Telford's future beyond the end of the year.
So far, 1125 claims for compensation had been received by MPI.
A huge range of items will be auctioned as part of Higgins The Great Ball fundraising.
Lisa Bonenkamp wants to represent NZ at next year's Young Breeders Competition.
Jess Berry had her feet up on the dashboard to give birth to son William.
Health and safety is all part of the job for Young Farmer grand finalist Alan Harvey.
Neil McCrostie sold Romney ram for $45,000 in 1992 - a world record price to this day.
A man has been arrested and charged with cruelty to an animal.
Hawea Flat ground in "perfect condition" - the only thing missing was a bit of sunshine.
Science for Technological Innovation team researching how farms could save on power costs.
A "disappointed'' council will have to reassess its options after no funding in Budget.
Project on hold because of uncertainty over broader water issues facing Central Otago.
Earl and Bernadine Attfield won two trophies at Otago Merino Association awards.