Running high country farm easier without trampers, climbers, walkers, tourists
Lockdown meant fewer visitors to sheep and beef farm stationed next to a national park.
Lockdown meant fewer visitors to sheep and beef farm stationed next to a national park.
Maniototo family is protecting the largest remaining scroll plain wetland in NZ.
Omakau farmers Ben and Anna Gillespie were announced online last night.
"We have everything in place now but the first couple of weeks were quite challenging".
Cold temperatures expected to linger until tomorrow, when they would begin to rise.
Apples came from core thrown from railway carriage near Lawrence at least 59 years ago.
Vet says it's not business as usual - despite what the public's perception might be.
"Maybe this is the way to do business in future."
He even managed to milk the cows twice while completing the gigantic run.
Farming and shearing are both on MPI's list of essential services.
Clusters around the country grow, while others remain steady.
"They're still working shoulder-to-shoulder. There's no masks or anything in sight."
Central Otago's grape harvest must go on - Covid-19 will not stop the 2020 vintage.
Staff say they feel like "cannon fodder" as they continue to work amid Covid-19 outbreak.
Former Southland All Black flanker's son married former Otago All Black's granddaughter.
Organisations involved in employing grape pickers report surge in number of inquiries.
Club decides it would be safe enough for the event to go ahead, despite Covid-19.
Uncertainty over travel for international workforce compounding difficult season.
A Dunedin man reported himself to police after his ram-raiding.
Great Easter Bunny Hunt postponed until Queen's Birthday weekend.
Apparently the Valais Blacknose is the breed of choice at wedding venues.
Will Roberts has been in Otago attending the Merino Excellence 2020 Congress.
Jane Shennan is on a mission to tell the story of her great-grandfather, Watson Shennan.
Crowd-pleasing favourite, the annual Jack Russell race didn't disappoint this year.
The 2020 Central Otago wine vintage is shaping up to be one to toast.
'Nothing quite like the feeling of seeing a dog make progress after training it yourself.'
School was due to open this month, but the academy was not able to fill classes.
Mother of teen: 'I thought she was safe but in fact I was sending her to the lion's den'.