'Not doing so well': Parts of south still dry despite rain
Oamaru has only received 31 per cent of its average rainfall this month.
Oamaru has only received 31 per cent of its average rainfall this month.
The current safe concentration of nitrate in New Zealand is 11.3 milligrams.
Federated Farmers slammed rates increases proposed by Otago Regional Council.
Taieri beef farmer has been waiting months to get cattle on a truck for processing.
Water supplies to Waikouaiti, Karitane and Hawksbury have not yet been restored.
Southland farmer Ewen Mathieson has some top tips for winter grazing.
Up to 130 people are expected to take part in the training course.
"It's been the most challenging time in my farming career - no doubt about it."
Becks Smith's urban background hasn't stopped her falling in love with a rural lifestyle.
The farm is also in the process of changing ownership.
On one farm, two hunters shot 700 rabbits in two nights. And they're "still everywhere".
Maria Alvarez was drawn to New Zealand by photographs of a friend's working holiday.
Grant Plaisted & Mike Evans travelled to NI champs for years, but never won - until now.
Shannon Flett has been dog trialling since 1997.
Scott Hunter also relishes a bit of competition "against the father-in-law".
18.2mm fell in Dunedin and between 9.6mm and 40.4mm fell in other parts of the south.
Some DHBs are sticking to the Government's schedule, others are going their own way.
The pilot and two Department of Conservation employees died in the 2018 crash.
Concern grows with no rain on the horizon.
Information sought regarding two men who might be connected to the incident.
An Air New Zealand spokesman said about 60 passengers were affected.
Otago Rural Support Trust urged farmers to make difficult decisions like selling stock.
Ethel and John Johnston first met on a boat to Australia in 1960.
Meeting on effects of large-scale forest farming in the headwaters of the Kakanui River.
The woman first warned of the dangers of hunters shooting from boats two years ago.
Duck shooters leave two women with minor pellet injuries while walking along a track.
He and a friend cruised around spotlighting paddocks in search of animals to shoot.
Twizel takes out the top spot for the coolest place on -7C at 6am.
West Otago farmer Fiona Hancox standing down from Silver Fern Farms board.
A midnight storm dumped about a centimetre of snow onto the Porters Alpine Resort.