Call for pork imports to meet NZ standards
"The industry is not opposed to imports - what it opposes is an uneven playing field."
"The industry is not opposed to imports - what it opposes is an uneven playing field."
2021 vintage "exceptional" although smaller than the industry had hoped for.
The polar blast's icy sting is due to hit across the North Island tomorrow.
Worst affected farms need alternative grazing for sheep, beef cattle and dairy cows.
A single female could introduce a breeding population to an area.
Rain, strong wind and snow are on the cards this weekend.
There is a reportedly a 30-50 per cent chance of snow to sea level.
Stag recently passed a police test in Waiouru to allow him to become operational.
There is a southerly flow making its way across the country
"There was hysteria. The rest of the cows got upset. The staff were beside themselves. "
As of 17 June this year, 266 farms have tested positive for the disease.
Operation Cromwell Harvest encourages locals to offer odd jobs to horticulture workers.
Days of telling staff "to take a concrete pill and harden up" were over.
Four generations of Judith Waters' family were on hand to enjoy the show.
Without intensive treatment, the 4-day-old heifer would not have survived the night.
Otago contributed 6.9% to NZ's emissions in one year despite being only 5% of population.
Steve Jones is no stranger to the dangers of logging.
Overseas investor seeking to buy sheep and beef station in South Otago.
A boil water notice for Ranfurly is to remain in place over the weekend.
Pre-Covid, the McSkimmings were running successful businesses servicing tourism sector.
"Let's call it carbon mining," Five Forks farmer Jane Smith said.
Temuka local residents are pitching in to help out with the clean-up of the property.
Danika Tairua helps move Lachlan Johnston's herd on an almost six-hour-long trek.
Floodwaters in Canterbury have exceeded warnings "by a huge magnitude", Fed Farmers says.
ORC to take note of any high-risk sites and follow up with on-the-ground inspection.
Groundswell NZ wants landowners to refuse access to public agencies taking surveys.
Farmers at field day told winter grazing plans more important than ever.
Lake Tekapo was already sitting on -5C at 9.30pm on Tuesday.
Orchard & harvest manager at CentralPac, Jordan Carrol is off to the finals in September.
Among the recipient families were seven who received their 150-year awards.