'Misguided in their beliefs': Lifestyle property owners refuse to pay rates
They didn't want to pay $1767 for their 1.85-hectare property.
They didn't want to pay $1767 for their 1.85-hectare property.
Judge: “Failure to record was at the heart of these charges – not the amount of material”.
There's no reprieve for the top of the country with heavy rain forecast this afternoon.
Severe thunderstorms bringing torrential rain for Auckland and Northland.
New Zealand has been hit by four tornadoes in three consecutive days.
Fruit quality woes could intensify as Cyclone Gabrielle hits premium growing regions.
Fire and Emergency have told Nelson residents to avoid Elm St during decontamination.
Meteorologist says a break in the unsettled weather could be on the cards for Christmas.
Hopes that discovery is a non-addictive alternative to opioids.
Fishermen fined, boat forfeited after pair lie about why they had more fish than allowed.
'You're never quite prepared for it,' - dog control officer attacked by dogs on farm.
Illegal trawling in protected waters an "honest mistake", says judge.
Man who killed sheep by running over it with his ute says he's 'not a cruel person'.
Evacuees are receiving calls to confirm their property assessment.
It has been extended till 2.54 pm on Wednesday August 31.
Fields and paddocks now look more like rivers, and streets resemble streams.
More than 400 homes have had to be evacuated in the Nelson area.
'We were told we had five minutes to get out.'
The first official trial for Kiwi-grown peanuts has been smooth sailing in Northland.
Tony Ibbotson was within sight of home when his helicopter crashed.
A 56-year-old man was found deceased at Eden's Road Fruit orchard in Hope.
A truck driver's first day ended badly when her truck rolled, blocking the highway.
It's estimated top of South Island needs 1500 more staff across a number of industries.
Floyd Haare is the fifth open-final winner from Southland this season
Officials regard the remote wilderness setting as a high risk.
Four locations are not far off the achievement.
Find out how your town's vaccination rate compares.
This city also has the third-lowest population of unvaccinated people at 13 per cent.
Parts of Nelson have received 70mm in 12 hours - with another 12 to go.
Seafood NZ conference food to go to Nelson Environment Centre's Kai Rescue programme.