Fishermen fined $10,500 after catching 348 fish in Hauraki Gulf
A group of five people caught 348 fish in one day.
A group of five people caught 348 fish in one day.
NZPork calls for ban on pork imports from countries with African Swine Disease.
The $250,000 is part of a funding package for communities affected by weather events.
Act leader wants farmers to be set free from rules imposed 'by Wellington bureaucrats'.
Councillors have asked how the district's lakes would be protected.
'The best way to support is, if you can afford to buy kūmara, then please do'.
OPINION: The protection of waterways is a shared commitment.
Massive private and council efforts have gone into protecting Waikato waterways.
OPINION: Economic growth, fuelled by productivity gains, pays for election promises.
Crayfish poacher apologised after abusing customary permit system.
Half NZ's greenhouse gas emissions are from agriculture, here's how we stay in the game.
OPINION: Adapting and innovating has formed the foundation of our standard of living.
Updated report shows an increase in scale and pace of farmland purchased for forestry.
Hospitality and wholesalers say they have no access to the staple ingredient.
There are allegations Fonterra's still in the driving seat, despite industry law changes.
Guardians of the border: Unveiling the unsung heroes of Biosecurity New Zealand.
A Government official provided a meeting of growers with incorrect information.
The farm is also the same one where 180,000 chickens died in 2019 after a power outage.
Failing to register his animals landed a Northland beef farmer in court.
Judge: “Failure to record was at the heart of these charges – not the amount of material”.
The Government had promised an announcement for Hawke's Bay growers by early June.
The devastating finds should be a wake-up call to the Government, biosecurity expert says.
TLC will work with 17 catchments in Central Hawke’s Bay, covering 216,000 hectares.
Garage Project warns it may need to pass higher costs onto customers.
A 52-year-old woman has been fined $6000 for wilfully neglecting the animals.
While he was not disqualified from farming, he was fined $32,500.
Auckland welcomed 750 avocado industry players from around the world this week.
Plantain can help reduce nitrogen leaching on farms.
Seeing the need through a cultural lens critical to mission’s success.
Pāua poacher sprung at checkpoint fled into the sea with suitcases of shellfish.