Latest fromMinistry for Primary Industries
Formula threat: 2000 persons of interest
Almost 2000 people are being viewed as persons of interest in the investigation into the threat to contaminate infant formula with 1080 poison.
Formula cleared of 1080
All of the samples of infant formula tested by police after being suspected of possible tampering have tested negative for 1080.
Formula threat: More resources pumped into investigation
Authorities are no closer to saying if the threat to poison baby formula with 1080 was a hoax, or who wrote the blackmail threats - even with 30 staff on the case.
Formula tested amid tampering fears
Police are testing infant formula after a number of tins were found with pin-pricks in packaging lids.
Formula en route to China without certificate
Questions remain about some $15m of NZ infant formula arriving in China next week without new import certification introduced following the 1080 poison threat, says the head of an industry group.
1080 threat: Dairy firms reassure
Dairy companies are confident security measures at their facilities are tight enough to prevent a 1080 contamination.
Hunt finds fruit fly larvae at weekend
Queensland fruit fly larvae were found in fruit collected from two properties in Grey Lynn at the weekend, three weeks after the initial fly was caught.
$41m funding for meaty projects
Two projects to develop premium markets for New Zealand venison and lamb have won $41 million in government and industry co-funding under the Primary Growth Partnership
Fieldays organisers hoping for 125,000 through the gates
A 4WD track featuring steep slopes, a waterfall, boulders and pools of water is one of the attractions at this year's National Fieldays in Hamilton.
Dip in primary exports tipped
The value of primary exports will fall from unusually high levels over the 2014/15 year before recovering steadily in the following three years.
Fruit fly search to be wrapped up
The search for more Queensland fruit flies will be wrapped up by Easter Sunday providing no more of the pests are found in Whangarei.
Bloody clothes spark biosecurity alert
One Kiwi traveller's decision to store his blood-soaked clothes from an exotic overseas trip landed him in hot-water with airport officials.
No further fruit flies in Whangarei
No further Queensland fruit flies have been found since the potentially devastating pest was detected in Whangarei this week.
Baby milk firms face China ban
NZ's booming infant formula industry fears Chinese regulatory changes could block smaller operators from doing business in the world's most lucrative and fastest-growing baby milk market.
West Coast men deny starving cows, calves
Two West Coast men have denied starving 150 cows and 30 calves to the point where they have to be euthanised.
Cow drowns in effluent on hellish trip
Two dairy farmers, a stock agent and a trucking company have been prosecuted for putting 25 cows through a hellish trip to the slaughterhouse.
Rot find halts NZ China apple exports
New Zealand has halted all apple exports to China for the rest of the season after rot was found in several batches at the Chinese border.
MPI approves incursion programme after spillage
Ministry for Primary Industries officials have approved an incursion programme in mid-Canterbury following a spillage of one of Europe's most invasive arable weeds - black grass - found in a consignment of imported fescue seed.