Black market meat operation shut down
Shoppers are being urged to source their meat from legitimate suppliers after the Ministry for Primary Industries shut down a black
Shoppers are being urged to source their meat from legitimate suppliers after the Ministry for Primary Industries shut down a black
The Ministry for Primary Industries is touring the country holding public consultation meetings, seeking feedback about its 'Future of our Fisheries' programme. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Farmers and the fishing industry get $5 million relief package.
SUP141116NADCRABS.JPGThis huge pile of paddle crabs dumped in sand dunes off Ruakaka Beach has angered locals and sparked an MPI investigation.PHOTO/SUPPLIED By
COMMENT: Post-truth politics is all about creating a feeling or emotion, rather than acknowledging policy or facts.
COMMENT: Stewart is entitled to her opinion , but the organisation she has described is not the one I see when I come to work every day.
COMMENT: Think of your least favourite ministry then multiply it by a thousand. That's roughly how much I despise the Ministry for Primary Industries.
The 67 meat workers set to lose their jobs from Silver Fern Farms' Frasertown plant will receive a quarter of the redundancy agreement
It used to be the thing of the old Western movies where the rancher combating rustlers stealing his stock. But similar scenarios are
What's in the DNA of Dannevirke, Mavis Mullins was asked by a prominent businessman in the 1000-strong audience at Wednesday night's
An Auckland student who keeps and breeds New Zealand and exotic reptiles has been caught trying to import some more creatures.
Fish and Game says it wants DoC to do more to reduce the threat 1080 poison poses to people gathering food from waterways.
Shareholders have approved the second stage of a major South Canterbury irrigation scheme.
The Minister for Primary Industries has approved a customary fishing reserve in Otago Harbour following an eight-year consultation and proposal process.
NZ's decision to monitor fishing practices with a watchdog owned by the industry would not be acceptable in US, Canada or Australia, Govt has been told.
Ministry for Primary Industries is criticised after UK honey company claims fake manuka has flooded its market.
It's the Don Carson Farming Muster. Chinese ownership of our agribusinesses, pea problems, Pokemon Go and Super Rugby all feature on today's week in review.
Team Nathan on The Country: Today Minister for Primary Industries Nathan Guy chats to Dom about farming life around the globe and in his own backyard.
The Ministry for Primary Industries and New Zealand's big three fishing companies have joined forces to develop a new "Tiaki" category of premium seafood.
From the flag debate to the outrage surrounding the TPPA, this year the government was at the centre of the country's three biggest PR challenges.
Fonterra lost market share in the South Island and will probably lose more this season before an improvement in 2016/17, says CEO Theo Spierings.
Beef exports have hit $3 billion - a record high, driven by international shortages, rising local production, and a falling New Zealand dollar, Statistics NZ said.
This year's El Nino weather pattern is shaping up to be one of the strongest, if not the strongest, on record - bringing with it an elevated risk of drought.
Fonterra chairman John Wilson responds to criticism last week that Fonterra has been a failure.
Created in 2001, Fonterra was heralded as an "icon of economic transformation", a "breakthrough idea", "helping NZ catch the knowledge wave".
A farmer has defended his decision to send more than 1000 of his sheep to Mexico on board a livestock carrier which left New Zealand yesterday.
MPI forecasts revenue from primary industries will drop to $35.2 billion in the year to June.
Sanford, New Zealand's largest listed fishing group, is in consultations with 232 staff who look likely to lose their jobs at the company.