Project looks at carbon farming for Māori landowners
Waro Project looks at Māori decision making processes around native forest regeneration.
Waro Project looks at Māori decision making processes around native forest regeneration.
Sixteen consents approved since new streamlined forestry test introduced in October 2018.
Logging contractors are letting staff go or are working on reduced hours.
NZ log prices have improved after slumping earlier in the year.
Dunedin businessman and city councillor Doug Hall is backing new Milburn logging terminal.
A two-year trial has begun to test the commercial value of totara.
Farmer turned down 'significantly' higher offers to keep the land as a farm.
Bruce Bisset agreeing with the farming lobby? Wow.
The Pigeon Valley fire burned around 2300ha of commercial plantation forest.
DairyNZ chief executive welcomes Govt plans to reform the vocational education sector.
Cutting-edge science has revealed what microbes are lurking in our soil.
New Zealand's narrow focus on pinus radiata should change, forester Rachel Rose says.
"Billion Trees policy is not about a need for trees, it's just politics."
"Are we going too far with planting pine trees at the cost of farming?"
The effects of forestry development were discussed at length by Tararua District Council.
Fabric of local rural communities could be severely impacted by conversion to forestry.
The prison celebrated its first forestry training programme graduation this month.
The fabric of our local rural communities could be severely impacted by forestry.
'When we allow our precious land resource to be taken over by pines, what does NZ have?'
More than 75,000 kauri to be planted on dieback-free Māori land beside sacred Takou River.
Don Carson says it's not only cheap logs flooding into China that NZ needs to worry about.
Tough times for forestry workers in Northlanders as wood prices plummet.
Well-known farm forester of many years Denis Hocking makes a case for trees.
The $9/kg contract price for August delivery lambs has never been so strong.
John Reid well-equipped tutor to deliver schools programme at Ag Challenge in Whanganui
Professor Keith Woodford ponders whether NZ is putting all its logs in one basket.
"I genuinely feel this kaupapa has to outlive my role as a minister and a politician."
New Zealand can take satisfaction from its forestry ethic
$422,500 for research to improve NZ's native seedline production has been announced.
Comment: China takes 75% of our logs, you could say we have all our logs in one basket.