Electric shock leaves worker with long-term injuries
A company has been fined after a mishap left a worker with long-term injuries.
A company has been fined after a mishap left a worker with long-term injuries.
Strong dairy, meat and fruit export returns have propped up the economy despite Covid-19
Beach in Uawa strewn with logs and debris from forestry operations up in the hills.
Farmers support Labour's plan to curtail conversion of pastoral land for forestry.
An investigation has begun into a spate of tyre dumpings in the Bay of Plenty.
Accoya requires pruned, well-grown radiata pine logs and NZ is the best place for that.
The ship is now anchored at sea outside Tauranga Harbour.
Labour consults with the Tararua District Council on the issue of Carbon Farming.
Māori land trust going for gold with kiwifruit investments in Kerikeri area.
Whanganui hill country farmer says Government is missing "the big picture"
NZ risks not meeting legally mandated climate change goals - Forest Owners Association.
The hub was supposed to be finished this year but work hasn't started yet.
More sparks fly over Shane Jones' forestry Bill and claims it threatens trade deals.
Whangārei sawmill worker made redundant speaks about the hardship of losing his job.
Increased forestry is a key government policy.
B+LNZ says rural communities hard hit if more farmland is turned over to planting trees.
Bulldozer owner surprised at finding, saying he felt fire was caused by a cigarette butt.
Controversial legislation is heading back to parliament after being rushed out the door.
Heritage NZ report unclear exactly what activity caused the damage.
"I never knew there was this much potential for forestry and the agricultural industries".
Parliament takes another step towards creating a trading scheme to fight climate change.
Global headwinds are lining up against New Zealand's one billion trees policy.
View from the top: Circular economy offers great opportunity for New Zealand's future.
View from the top: Verry says this is a chance to embrace wood first policies fully.
Keeping more logs for New Zealand mills offers carbon economic benefits.
COMMENT: Jones' Bill runs counter to the best interests of forest owners.
The Government has announced a fresh reforms to one of NZ's biggest climate policy levers.
Comment: MPs considering rushed and flawed legislation.
Comment: NZ, as the last country with open export of logs, is giving locals a raw deal.
Thames, Paeroa, Waihi whanau get Rayonier Matariki Forests' Tairua and Athenree firewood